Browsing Published by IMR by Title
Now showing items 3922-3941 of 4025
Water balance in cod eggs. In: The propagation of cod Gadus morhua L.: an international symposium, Arendal, 14 - 17 June 1983
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Conference object, 1984)The yolk osmolarity of cod eggs decreases from about 400 mOsm 2 days after spawning to 300 mOsm at hatching, as opposed to a sea water osmolarity of c. l000 nOsm. The osmolarity difference forces an osmotic water loss upon ... -
The Waters of the Western and Northern Coasts of Norway in July-August 1957
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1962)The research was intended to discuss the hydrographical conditions of the water masses in which biological investigations were simultanously undertaken. The data were collected during a cruise in July- August 1957. Some ... -
The Whirling Vessel - An apparatus for the fractioning of plankton samples
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1951)A description is given of the whirling vessel, an apparatus for the fractioning of plankton samples. Statistical tests have proved that the apparatus works reliably. -
Workshop på hydroakustiske undersøkelser i Norskehavet
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 2009)This report presents the international redfish survey carried out in the Norwegian Sea in August 2008 and the methodology used to review and compare the different hydroacoustic scrutinizing procedures. The results of the ... -
Yearclass strength of north-east Arctic cod at the 0-group stage. In: The propagation of cod Gadus morhua L.: an international symposium, Arendal, 14 - 17 June 1983
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Conference object, 1984)On the basis of recent developments in artificial propagation of cod fry it has been suggested that propagated cod fry may be released in the Barents Sea and the Svalbard region, the feeding areas of North-East Arctic ... -
Yield isopleths of the halibut, hippoglossus hippoglossus, in northern Norway
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1968)1. Data on age composition, growth, and mortality rates of the halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, collected in Finmark, 1956-1960, supplemented with data on immature halibut from various localities in Northern Norway ... -
Yngelproduksjon av gadoider: utvikling av intensiv oppdrettsmetode for torsk og hyse
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 2001)Oppdrett av torskeyngel har stort sett vært basert på produksjon i ekstensive systemer (poller eller store sjøvannsbassenger) med utelukkende bruk av naturlig forekommende zooplankton som for. Slike systemer er imidlertid ... -
Yngelproduksjon av stort kamskjell (Pecten macimus), Del 2, Optimalisering og oppskalering av yngelproduksjon 1996
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 1997)The project is a result of efforts to develop commercial spat production of scallops (Pecten maximus). In June 1996 1.6 mill. NOK was made available from the NUMARIO program of the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries for ... -
Yngelundersøkelser - 1985 [HELP 12]
(help, Research report, 1987)The recruitment to the Norwegian spring-spawning herring have during the l a s t twenty years been on a very low level. However, the size of the spawning stock has increased in recent years and in 1983 a rich year class ... -
Yngelundersøkelser i juli-august i 1988 og 1989 utenfor norskekysten. [HELP 28]
(help, Research report, 1989)Denne rapporten beskriver forekomstene av fiskeyngel i området mellom Stad og Varangerfjorden. Lignende undersøkelser har foregått siden 1977. Yngelen ble samlet med pelagisk trål i de øverste 60 m. De hydrografiske ... -
Yngleundersøkelser i juli 1991 utenfor norskekysten. [HELP 42]
(help, Research report, 1991)Denne rapporten beskriver forekomstene av fiskeyngel i havområdet mellom Varangerfjorden og Vikna. Lignende undersøkelser har foregått siden 1977. Yngelen ble samlet med pelagisk trål i de øverste 60 m. Temperaturen i ... -
Yngleundersøkelser i juni-juli 1990 utenfor kysten av Nord-Norge. [HELP 37]
(help, Research report, 1991)Denne rapporten beskriver forekomstene av fiskeyngel i området mellom Vestfjorden og Nordkapp. Lignende undersøkelser har foregått siden 1977. Yngelen ble samlet med pelagisk trål i de øverste 60 m. De hydrografiske ... -
The young herring of the North Sea : a contribution to the knowledge about the younger age-groups
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations;vol 3 no 2, Research report, 1918) -
Ytre Oslofjord - overvåkning av eutrofitilstanden 1999-2000
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 2001)Observasjonene av miljøforholdene i 1999 og 2000 i ytre Oslofjord viste at øvre lag hadde betydelige overkonstrasjoner særlig av nitrat og høye N/P forhold sammenlignet med kystområdene i indre Skagerrak. De menneskeskapte ... -
Zooplankton and the discontinuity layer in relation to echo traces in the Oslofjord
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1969)1. Using high amplification on the 38.5 Kc/sec. echosounder echoes from the depth of the discontinuity layer in the inner Oslofjord were mostly observable. 2. The distribution of zooplankton was analysed from samples ... -
Zooplankton i enkelte nord-norske fjorder og mageinnhold hos mussa vinterstid 1962-65
(Working paper, 1992-11) -
Zooplankton in relation to herring in the Norwegian Sea, June 1959
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1961)1. During a cruise with RV "Johan Hjort" from 2. to 28. June 1959 zooplankton was collected at 121 stations in the Norwegian Sea. 2. The zooplankton was most abundant in the border area between Atlantic waters and ... -
Zooplankton in relation to hydrography in the norwegian sea
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1955)A study was made of the distribution of zooplankton organisms in the Norwegian Sea during May-August 1948-1954. It is based on plankton collected in vertical Nansen net hauls in the upper 200 m. Samples taken by the ... -
Zooplankton Investigations in some Fjords in Western Norway during 1950-1951
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1953)At the end of February 1950 investigations on zooplankton were initiated in some fjords south of Bergen on the west coast of Norway, and continued during 1951. Simultaneously hydrographic observations were also taken. Of ... -
Å forstå klimaeffekter
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 2006)