Zooplankton and the discontinuity layer in relation to echo traces in the Oslofjord
1. Using high amplification on the 38.5 Kc/sec. echosounder echoes
from the depth of the discontinuity layer in the inner Oslofjord were
mostly observable.
2. The distribution of zooplankton was analysed from samples taken with
a plankton pump and tow nets.
3. The vertical distribution of zooplankton, biomass, total number and
number of the different species demonstrated that such organisms were
not responsible for the echoes.
4. Calculations made from hydrographic data are the bases for assuming
that these special echo traces are caused by the border layer between
two water masses.
[Fiskeridirektoratets havforskningsinstitutt]Series
Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelservol 15 no 2