Growth rate and age at sexual maturity of Atlantic salmon smoltifying aged one and two years
Research report
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Post-smolt growth rate and age at first maturation are compared for sib groups or
population groups of salmon originating from Norwegian rivers and fish farms. Generally,
high correlations were found between corresponding values (lengths at different ages and
proportions of mature fish in the second and third sea years) for one and two year-old smolt.
One year-old smolts were smaller than the two-year olds at the smolt stage and grew slower
during their first sea year, but the two categories reached practically the same total length after
two years in the sea. In most groups, and in the total material, one year-old smolts gave higher
proportions of grilse. Proportions of mature fish during their third sea year were similar for
one and two year-old smolt of the same groups. Pronounced variations between sib groups and
population groups were found both in growth rate and mean age at first maturation. This
variation was much bigger than the variation between one and two year-old smolts of the same
sib group.
[Fiskeridirektoratets havforskningsinstitutt]Serie
Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelservol 17 no 1