Browsing Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser (1900-1990) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 314
Hydrographic-Biological Studies of the North Atlantic Ocean and the Coast of Nordland
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter / Serie havundersøkelser, Research report, 1900) -
Synopsis of the Norwegian Marine Thalamophora
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter / Serie havundersøkelser, Research report, 1900) -
Decapoda Collected During the Fishing Investigations Directed by Dr. Hjort in 1897 & 98
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter / Serie havundersøkelser, Research report, 1900) -
Chemical and Microbiological Investigations on the Curing of Herring
(Report on Norwegian Fishery- and Marine-Investigations, Research report, 1900) -
Account of the Postembryonal Development of Pandalus Borealis Krøyer
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter / Serie havundersøkelser, Research report, 1900) -
On the Determination of the Salinity of Sea Water by its Powers of Refraction
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter / Serie havundersøkelser, Research report, 1900) -
Hydrographic-Biological Investigations of the Skagerrak and the Christiania Fiord
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter / Serie havundersøkelser, Research report, 1900) -
Fishing experiments in Norwegian fjords
(Report on Norwegian fishery and marine investigations, Research report, 1900) -
Das Plankton des Norwegischen Nordmeeres von Biologischen und Hydrographischen Gesichtspunkten Behandelt
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations, Research report, 1902) -
Ueber die Berechnung von Meeresströmungen
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations, Research report, 1902) -
Fiske Indsamlede Under "Michael Sars"s Togter I Nordhavet 1900-1902
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations, Research report, 1905) -
The Scales of the Herring as a Means of Determining Age, Growth and Migration
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations, Research report, 1907) -
Oversigt over Norsk Fiskeri- og Havforskning 1900-1908
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations, Research report, 1909) -
The Norwegian Sea - Its Physical Oceanography Based Upon the Norwegian Researches 1900-1904
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations, Research report, 1909) -
Age, maturity and quality of North Sea herrings : during the years 1910-1913
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations;vol 3 no 1, Research report, 1917) -
The young herring of the North Sea : a contribution to the knowledge about the younger age-groups
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations;vol 3 no 2, Research report, 1918) -
Fiskeegg og yngel i Lofoten
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations;vol 3 no 3, Research report, 1919) -
Frequency curves in herring investigation
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations;vol 3 no 4, Research report, 1924) -
On the growth of the cod and the formation of annual zones in the scales
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations;vol 3 no 6, Research report, 1925) -
Merking av sei i Nordland sommeren 1921 : beretning avgit til fiskeridirektøren
(Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations;vol 3 no 5, Research report, 1925)An experiment of marking saithe (Gadus virens) was undertaken in 1921 and was performed in two districts in Northern Norway during june and july, viz. in Gildeskaal in the "skjærgaard" outside the mouth of the Salten ...