Seasonal variations of the oceanographic conditions off the southwest coast of India during 1971-1975
As part of a survey of the coastal fish resources off the southwest coast of India, the UNDP/
FAO (United Nations Development Programme/Food and Agriculture Organization) Pelagic
Fishery Project, Cochin, collected environmental data from June 1971 through October 1975.
Based on these data, the oceanographic conditions during the 4-year period are discussed. The
seasonal variations are highly repetitive from year to year. An uplift of water onto the shelf begins
in March or April. Associated with a south-flowing current, this type of upwelling lasts
throughout the SW monsoon period until September-October. A northflowing coastal current
from November-December through January-February is associated with an influx of low-salinity
water from the south. The environmental variations on the shelf are reflected in seasonal
biological events.
[Fiskeridirektoratets havforskningsinstitutt]Series
Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelservol 18 no 5