Now showing items 113-115 of 115

    • Sekundærproduksjon i Barentshavet (dyreplankton) 

      Knutsen, Tor; Dalpadado, Padmini; Hassel, Arne (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
      The average zooplankton biomass measured in August–September 2006 (8.6 g dry weight/m2) was above the long-term mean (7.14 g dry weight/m2), and has slightly increased since 2001 (5.85 g dry weight/m2). Atlantic water ...
    • Sjøens pattedyr 2010 

      Bjørge, Arne; Lydersen, Christian; Skern-Mauritzen, Mette; Wiig, Øystein (Fisken og havet, særnummer;2-2010, Research report, 2010-07)
    • Vågehval 

      Øien, Nils (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
      Minke whales in the Northeast Atlantic are commercially exploited by Norway. The management of this species is based on application of the Revised Management Procedure (RMP) developed by the Scientific Committee of ...