Loddefisket på Grand Banks, Newfoundland, 1973 (Nordglobalekspedisjonen)
Research report

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- Fisken og havet (1958- ) [700]
Based on the results of the Norwegian capelin investigations in Newfoundland waters in 1970, 1971 and 1972, the Institute
of Marine Research recommended commercial fishing on capelin on Southeast Shoal, Grand Banks, during June and July
Fishing started on Southeast Shoal 9 June with the factory ship «NordgIobal» and four trawlers present. Later the number of trawlers increased to 9. The fishing continued till the end of July, all the time within 25 nautical miles of position
44°00' N and 49°40' W and only during daytime.
The catches were fairly even during this period, around 150—200 tons per boat per day. The total catch for the Norwegian vessels was 47 000 tons when fishing stopped at the end of July. Spawning started 15 June and had mostly finished 10 July. Most of the capelin was 4 years old, but
also 3 and 5 years old fish were present.
A search for other concentrations of capelin was made northward to Hamilton Bank, but nothing was found. Also Russian and Canadian vessels were fishing for capelin in the area. Working conditions were good, with smooth sea, but with heavy fog most of the time.
Rapporten er også publisert som artikkel i Fiskets Gang,60(4),1974:73-77