Browsing Havforskningsinstituttets egg- og larveprogram (help) (1987-1991) by Author "Westgård, Trond"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
0-group saithe and herring off the Norwegian coast in April - May 1988 [HELP 20]
Mehl, Sigbjørn; Nedreaas, Kjell Harald; Smedstad, Odd M.; Westgård, Trond (help, Research report, 1988)In 1985 investigations were started to try to measure the abundance of 0-group saithe before the main concentrations entered the inshore waters. In 1986-1988 the investigation area was. expanded to also cover the eastern ... -
Forskerkart. EDB - presentasjon av marine data. [HELP 18]
Westgård, Trond (help, Research report, 1988) -
A model of vertical distribution of pelagic eggs. A computer realization [HELP 17]
Westgård, Trond (help, Research report, 1988)The presented mathematical model and it's realization in an interactive computer program describes the vertical distribution of pelagic fish and plankton eggs. The water column has a density gradient and the vertical ...