Studies on hemoglobins of some gadoid fishes
1. Hemoglobin of tusk, forked hake, ling, blue ling, hake, pout, Norway
pout, pollach, coalfish, haddock and blue whiting were studied by
agargel electrophoresis.
2. Both inter- and intraspecific variations in hemoglobin patterns
3. Intraspecific variations were found in tusk, ling, blue ling, pollack,
coalfish (only one specimen differed from the "normal" pattern),
haddock and blue whiting.
4. A hypothesis of genetical control involving two allelomorphic genes
is proposed to explain the variations within each species. The population
data coincided with this hypothesis.
5. No indication of ontogenetic variation of hemoglobin patterns have
been found.
6. Frequncy variations of the hemoglobin types in ling indicate segregetion
in the population structure.
[Fiskeridirektoratets havforskningsinstitutt]Series
Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelservol 15 no 2