Investigations on diel vertical migration of 0-group fish in the Barents Sea
In August-September diel vertical migration of 0-group fish was studied in the
Barents Sea. Redfish and capelin had different vertical migration patterns. 0-group redfish were found at the surface at dark and spread in the upper 50 m during the daylight period while the unpigmented 0-group capelin stayed in small schools close to the surface by daylight and dispersed into a weak scattering layer at the depth of the thermocline (20-30 m) at dark. This behaviour might introduce large errors to the
abundance indices of 0-group capelin.
Comparative fishing with a pelagic trawl and a purse seine were carried out. The
samples showed no significant differences in the length distributions of each species of
0-group fish caught with the two gears.
Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelservol 16 no 7