Aspects of the life history of the local herring stock in Lindåspollene, western Norway
LIE, U., DAHL, O. and ØSTVEDT, O.J. 1978. Aspects of the life history of the local herring stock
in Lindåspollene, western Norway. Fisk.Dir. Skr. Ser. Hav.Unders., 16: 369-404.
Gill net and purse seine samples were obtained during 1970-1974 for studies of the biology
of the local herring stock in a landlocked fjord, Lindåspollene, in western Norway. The herring
stock revealed a distinct migration pattern within the system, with a well defined spawning,
feeding and overwintering area. The mean number of vertebrae was 56.70. The age, as
determined from scale readings, reached 15 years, but only about 2% exceeded 10 years of age.
The growth of the Lindås herring was slower than that of the Atlanto-Scandian or North Sea
herring stocks, reaching L∞ = 30.49 cm. The raw weight of the largest individuals was about
250 g. The condition factor reached its maximum in August-October and minimum in May.
The mean weight loss during spawning was about 20% of the total weight. The herring
spawned in late March, usually in a small fjord arm at depths ranging from 0 to 4 m. Studies of
the fecundity showed large variability in number of eggs within length groups. The strength of
the year classes and the growth rate of the Lindås herring is discussed in relation to biotic and
abiotic conditions of the environment.
[Fiskeridirektoratets havforskningsinstitutt]Series
Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelservol 16 no 11