On the life history of the spotted catfish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen)
Spotted catfish, Anarhichas minor Olafsen, were sampled from long
line and trawl catches taken along the coast of Finnmark, near Bear
Island and in the Barents Sea in 1953 and 1954. Age was determined
from vertebraes. Fish younger than 6 years were not found in the
long line samples. The age groups 12-14 were most abundant in
the long line samples taken off Finnmark as against 8-9 years old
fish dominating the samples taken near Bear Island.
The females were found to attain sexual maturity at an age of
6-7 years and a length of about 75 cm and the males approximately
one year later at a length of 80-85 cm.
The present study indicates that the spotted catfish spawn in
In 1953, 1954 and 1955 a total of 432 catfish were tagged with
Lea Hydrostatic tag. Until January 1963 71 were recaptured. The
seasonal distribution and migration of the catfish are discussed.
[Fiskeridirektoratets havforskningsinstitutt]Series
Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelservol 13 no 6