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dc.contributor.authorHaraldsvik, Steinar
dc.description.abstract1. Age composition, number of vertebrae, age at first maturity, scale type and growth characteristics for the spring-spawned herring in the north-eastern North Sea in 1961-1963 have been analysed. 2. Some of these characters have been compared with those for the two spring-spawning stocks at the coast of Norway; i.e. the herring spawning off Møre and the herring spawning at the west coast of southern Norway. 3. Less agreement with the spawners off Møre, indicates that members of this stock were scanty represented in the spring-spawning group in the north-eastern North Sea. 4. Good agreement with the spawners at the west coast of southern Nonvay, indicates that this herring stock outside the spawning season may be distributed in the north-eastern North Sea.
dc.format.extent656590 bytes
dc.publisher[Fiskeridirektoratets havforskningsinstitutt]en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesFiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelseren
dc.relation.ispartofseriesvol 14 no 4en
dc.titleRelation between the Norwegian spring-spawning stock and the spring-spawning group of herring in the north-eastern North Seaen
dc.typeResearch reporten
dc.source.pagenumbers. 183-198en

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