Soviet tagging of harp and hooded seals in the North Atlantic
In 1960-1968, 2 705 harp seal pups and 55 adult female harp seals were tagged
in the White Sea. At Newfoundland 79 harp seal pups were tagged in 1963, and in
the Jan Mayen area of the Greenland Sea 50 hooded seal pups were tagged in 1966.
Monel metal clip tags were used in two seasons, but coloured plastic tail tags have
been in use since 1965.
Early recaptures have shown that the northward drift of the pack ice brings the
pups from the White Sea to the southern part of the Barents Sea. In some years, however,
adverse conditions may change this drift pattern. Recaptures after one and two years
indicate that immature harp seals spend the winter in coastal waters of the southern
Barents Sea and the northern White Sea.
Two pups tagged off Newfoundland have been recaptured in West Greenland
during their first summer.
Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelservol 16 no 1