Viser treff 101-115 av 115

    • Kyst og havbruk 2009 

      Agnalt, Ann-Lisbeth; Bakketeig, Ingunn; Haug, Tore; Knutsen, Jan Atle; Opstad, Ingegjerd (Fisken og havet, særnummer, Research report, 2009-04)
    • Havets ressurser og miljø 2009 

      Gjøsæter, Harald; Dommasnes, Are; Falkenhaug, Tone; Hauge, Marie; Johannesen, Edda; Olsen, Erik; Skagseth, Øystein (Fisken og havet, særnummer, Research report, 2009-04)
    • Oversikt over økosystem Barentshavet 

      Bogstad, Bjarte; Gjøsæter, Harald; Ingvaldsen, Randi; Stiansen, Jan Erik (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
    • Vågehval 

      Øien, Nils (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
      Minke whales in the Northeast Atlantic are commercially exploited by Norway. The management of this species is based on application of the Revised Management Procedure (RMP) developed by the Scientific Committee of ...
    • Forurensning 

      Klungsøyr, Jarle; Sværen, Ingrid (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
      Fish from the Barents Sea contains low levels of persistent organic contaminants like PCB, DDT, HCH and Toxafen in fatty tissue such as liver. Levels of radionuclides in sediments are very low, but are traced in all ...
    • Polartorsk 

      Gjøsæter, Harald (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
      The stock of polar cod in the Barents Sea is quite large, probably between 1.5 and 2 million tonnes. This resource has not been exploited to any noticeable degree since the early 1970s. The distribution area and the ...
    • Sekundærproduksjon i Barentshavet (dyreplankton) 

      Knutsen, Tor; Dalpadado, Padmini; Hassel, Arne (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
      The average zooplankton biomass measured in August–September 2006 (8.6 g dry weight/m2) was above the long-term mean (7.14 g dry weight/m2), and has slightly increased since 2001 (5.85 g dry weight/m2). Atlantic water ...
    • Nordøstarktisk torsk 

      Aglen, Asgeir (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
      North-east Arctic cod. The stock is in a fairly good state, but is declining. Unreported catches have caused considerable overfishing of the agreed quotas in the last four years, and the fishery in 2005 was not ...
    • Forord 

      Misund, Ole Arve (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
    • Primærproduksjon (planteplankton) 

      Naustvoll, Lars-Johan (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
      In the Barents Sea, the monitoring of phytoplankton abundance and species composition is carried out on the transects Fugløya–Bjørnøya and Vardø–N and during the regional covering of the area in the autumn. The ...
    • Grønlandssel 

      Haug, Tore (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
      The Northeast Atlantic stocks of harp seals are commercially exploited by Norway and Russia. The stocks are assessed every second year by the Joint ICES/NAFO Working Group on Harp and Hooded Seals. The assessments are ...
    • Nordøstarktisk hyse 

      Aanes, Sondre (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
      The Northeast Arctic haddock stock is in good condition. Since 1950 the stock has shown large fluctuations in abundance, and the stock is now at the same level as the peaks in the mid 50s and the beginning of the 70s ...
    • Lodde 

      Gjøsæter, Harald (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
      The stock is still at a low level, after having collapsed in 2001 for the third time in 20 years (Figure The cause is probably an intense predation pressure from large year classes of herring in the southern ...
    • Fysikk (sirkulasjon, vannmasser og klima) 

      Ingvaldsen, Randi; Loeng, Harald; Ådlandsvik, Bjørn (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)
      The temperatures in the Barents Sea were very high during 2006. The inflow of Atlantic water was both warmer and stronger than earlier, and there has never been observed less ice than in the winter of 2006. The years ...
    • Sammendrag 

      Gjøsæter, Harald; Toresen, Reidar; Torstensen, Else (Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)