Miljøundersøkelser i norske fjorder: Grenlandsfjordene 2000-2009
Research report

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- Fisken og havet (1958- ) [700]
The local input of antrohropogenic nutrients increased winter and summer values of nitrate and summer
values of chlorophyll-a in the Grenland fjords. In the upper layer of the Frierfjord, the Brevikfjord and rhe
Eidangerfjord the environmental conditions related to nitrate were” less good” and in the Håøyfjorden and
the the Langesund bay (coast) ”good”. Summer average chlorophyll - a values in the upper layer of the
Eidanger - and Brevikfjord were” less good” (3.6 -4.1 mg/m3) and in the Frierfjord and Håøyfjord ”good” (3 -
3.3 mg/m3). Both long distance and local supply of anthropogenic organic matter have reduced the oxygen
concentrations in the Grenland fjordic basins. In Brevik and the Eidangerfjord, the average oxygen minimum
was 3-3.5 ml/l (less good). In the Håøyfjord and Frierfjord, the oxygen conditions in the basins were “poor
to very poor” with average oxygen minimum values between 0 and 2.5 ml/l.