• Bunnfiskundersøkelser ved Bjørnøya, Spitsbergen og i Barentshavet med F/F "G. O. Sars" 3. - 20. november 1970 

      Hylen, Arvid; Jakobsen, Tore; Lahn-Johannessen, John; Smedstad, Odd M.; Sætre, Roald (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1972)
      The primary aim of the cruise was to obtain data of the abundance and distribution of the prerecruits (0—3 years of age) of cod and haddock. It was also intended that the cruise should yield information about the suitability ...
    • Features of the Barents Sea circulation 

      Loeng, Harald; Sætre, Roald (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2001)
      During the period 1970-1996, a number of current measurements were carried out in the Barents Sea by different institutions. The observations include measurements from fixed mooring buoys and data from drifting satellite ...
    • Gyteinnsiget av lodde vinteren 1976 

      Hamre, Johannes; Sætre, Roald (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1976)
      From 10 January to 3 April four vessels were monitoring the spawning migration of capelin in the Barents Sea. The migration started in early February along three different routes. The main part of the spawning population ...
    • Lodde- og polartorskundersøkelser i Barentshavet i september - oktober 1973 

      Dommasnes, Are; Nakken, Odd; Sætre, Roald; Frøiland, Øystein (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1974)
      During September-October 1973 observations were made on distribution and abundance of capelin and polar cod in the Barents Sea. The major part of the capelin stock was found north of 78º N, and the distribution pattern ...
    • Seismiske undersøkelser og skader på fiskeegg og larver. En vurdering av mulige effekter på bestandsnivå. 

      Sætre, Roald; Ona, Egil (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1996)
      Denne rapporten belyser i hvilken grad skader på egg- og larvestadiet av seismiske undersøkelser vil kunne gi målbare effekter på bestandsnivå hos fisk. Ut fra en verste tilfelle betraktning vil en typisk seismisk ...
    • Seismiske undersøkelser til havs: En vurdering av konsekvenser for fisk og fiskerier 

      Dalen, John; Ona, Egil; Soldal, Aud Vold; Sætre, Roald (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1996)
      I denne rapporten oppsummerer vi kunnskaper om effekter på fisk og fiskerier fra luftkanonskyting. Dette omhandler atferdspåvirkninger fra seismiske undersøkelser på fisk og hva dette kan bety for fangsttilgjengelighet ...
    • The sunken nuclear submarine in the Norwegian Sea - A potential environmental problem? 

      Blindheim, Johan; Føyn, Lars; Martinsen, E.A.; Svendsen, Einar; Sætre, Roald (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1994)
      On 7 April 1989 the Soviet nuclear submarine "Komsomolets" sank in the Norwegian Sea about 185 km southwest of the Bear Island at bottom depth of about 1700 m. Potential sources of radioactive contamination are the reactor ...
    • Temperatur- og saltholdinghetsnormaler for overflatelaget i norske kystfarvann 

      Sætre, Roald (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1973)
      Since 1936 observations on temperature and salinity in the surface layer have been sampled along the coast of Norway. The observations are carried out by coastal liners. The measurements refer to approximately 4 m depths. ...
    • Towards a North Sea ecosystem component of GOOS for assessment and management: report from a strategic workshop in Bergen 5-7 September 2001 

      Sætre, Roald; Skjoldal, Hein Rune; Flemming, Nicholas C.; Beek, Frans van (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2001)
      ICES and IOC have established a joint Steering Group on GOOS (SGGOOS), which also involves the European component of GOOS (EuroGOOS). To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of data products from current ...
    • Undersøkelser av fiskeforekomster i Barentshavet og ved Spitsbergen i august - september 1972 

      Gjøsæter, Jakob; Midttun, Lars; Monstad, Terje; Nakken, Odd; Smedstad, Odd M.; Sætre, Roald; Ulltang, Øyvind (Fisken og havet;1972 - Nr. 3, Research report, 1972)
      During August—September 1972 observations were made on distribution and abundance of fish in the Barents Sea and off Spitsbergen. The observations of 0-group fish are published in separate report. The amount of capelin ...
    • Undersøkelser på loddas gytefelt i 1972 

      Bjørke, Herman; Gjøsæter, Jakob; Sætre, Roald (Fisken og havet;1972 - Nr. 3, Research report, 1972)
      From 20 March to 24 April the R.V. «Johan Hjort» carried out a survey to locate spawning grounds of capelin. Included in this investigation was an estimation of the spawning potential based on capelin eggs and larvae. Eggs ...
    • Undersøkelser på loddas gytefelt i 1973 

      Gjøsæter, Jakob; Sætre, Roald (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1973)
      From 27 February to 14 April the R. V. "Johan Hjort" carried out a survey to locate sprawning grounds of capelin. The greatest quantities of eggs were found on gravel and on shell gravel at depths between 25 m and 100 ...
    • Undersøkelser på loddas gytefelt i 1974 

      Gjøsæter, Jakob; Hansen, K.; Sætre, Roald; Westergaard, Terje (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1974)
      From 15 March to 6 April the R.V. «Johan Hjort» carried out investigations at the spawning grounds of capelin. The greatest quantities of eggs were found on rather coarse bottom as gravel, shell gravel and pebbles and at ...