• Lodda i Barentshavet vinteren 1994 

      Gjøsæter, Harald (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1994)
      I perioden 20. januar til 6. mars 1994 registrerte FF "G.O. Sars" og FF "Johan Hjort" lodde i samband med ungtorskundersøkingane i Barentshavet. Heile det sørlege Barentshavet vart dekka med standard akustisk metodikk. ...
    • Lodda og loddefisket 

      Møller, Dag; Olsen, Steinar (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 1, Journal article, 1962)
      This is a preliminary report on the Norwegian capelin investigations started in 1960. The general distribution and life history of the species is discussed. Special attention is drawn to the high postspawning mortality, ...
    • "Lodda på sommerbeite" . Feltobservasjoner i 1979 og 1980 

      Ellertsen, Bjørnar; Loeng, Harald; Rey, Francisco; Tjelmeland, Sigurd (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1981)
      The Institute of Marine Research has, since 1979, carried out investigations on the capelin feeding conditions in the Barents Sea during the summer season. This program is aimed at obtaining data that can contribute to ...
    • Loddas utbredelse i Barentshavet i forhold til temperaturfeltet i perioden 1974-1982 

      Loeng, Harald; Nakken, Odd; Raknes, Askjell (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1983)
      The variations in the distribution and abundance of the different age groups of capelin in the Barents Sea were studied in relation to temperature variations in the period 1974-1982. The data were collected on yearly ...
    • Lodde- og polartorskundersøkelser i Barentshavet august - september 1970 

      Blindheim, Johan; Dragesund, Olav; Hognestad, Per T.; Midttun, Lars; Nakken, Odd (Fisken og havet;1971 - Nr.3, Research report, 1971)
      In the period 26 August to 11 September a joint Soviet - Norwegian 0-group fish survey was carried out in the Barents Sea (Anon. 1970). During this survey observations were also made on the distribution and abundance of ...
    • Lodde- og polartorskundersøkelser i Barentshavet i august - september 1971 

      Dragesund, Olav; Nakken, Odd (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1972)
      During August—September 1971 two subsequent series of observations were made on distribution and abundance of maturing capelin and Polar cod in the Barents Sea. Abundance estimates for the two species indicated by echo ...
    • Lodde- og polartorskundersøkelser i Barentshavet i august-september 1971 

      Dragesund, Olav; Nakken, Odd (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1972)
      During August-September 1971 two subsequent series of observations were made on distribution and abundance of maturing capelin and Polar cod in the Barents Sea. Abundance estimates for the two species indicated by echo ...
    • Lodde- og polartorskundersøkelser i Barentshavet i september - oktober 1973 

      Dommasnes, Are; Nakken, Odd; Sætre, Roald; Frøiland, Øystein (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1974)
      During September-October 1973 observations were made on distribution and abundance of capelin and polar cod in the Barents Sea. The major part of the capelin stock was found north of 78º N, and the distribution pattern ...
    • Loddefiske på Grand Banks, Newfoundland i 1974 (Norglobalekspedisjonen) 

      Furevik, Dag M.; Westergaard, Terje (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1975)
      The factory ship "Nordglobal" arrived at Grand Banks 16 May, and the first catches (about 60 tons) were taken with trawl around the position N 47°00', W 51°21'. On 21 May the fishing fleet moved to position N 46°23', W ...
    • Loddefisket på Grand Banks, Newfoundland, 1973 (Nordglobalekspedisjonen) 

      Dommasnes, Are; Monstad, Terje; Sangolt, Gunnleiv (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1974)
      Based on the results of the Norwegian capelin investigations in Newfoundland waters in 1970, 1971 and 1972, the Institute of Marine Research recommended commercial fishing on capelin on Southeast Shoal, Grand Banks, ...
    • Loddeinnsiget 1970 

      Lahn-Johannessen, John; Monstad, Terje (Fisken og havet;1970 - Nr. 2, Research report, 1970)
    • Loddeinnsiget i 1972 

      Blindheim, Johan; Monstad, Terje (Fisken og havet;1972 - Nr. 3, Research report, 1972)
      The fishery season on spawning capelin in the Barents Sea and off the coast of northern Norway took place from the beginning of January to the end of March. During the first month the R.V. «G. O. Sars» and the M.V. «M. ...
    • Loddeundersøkelsene vinteren 1969 

      Strøm, Albert; Monstad, Terje (Fisken og havet;1969 - Nr. 1, Research report, 1969)
    • Loddeundersøkelser Barentshavet i mai - juni 1973 

      Haug, Anders; Monstad, Terje (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1974)
      The main aim of the investigation was to find the status of the capelin stock in the Barents Sea before the start of the summer fishery. The abundance was measured by acoustic means. The total distribution of the stock was ...
    • Loddeundersøkelser i Barentshavet høsten 1978 

      Dommasnes, Are; Loeng, Harald; Monstad, Terje (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1979)
      From 14 September to 11 October investigations on the Barents Sea capelin stock were carried out, with aim on the geographical distribution of the stock, its structure and assessment of the abundance. Compared to the ...
    • Loddeundersøkelser i Barentshavet i juni - juli 1976 

      Hamre, Johannes; Røttingen, Ingolf (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1977)
      During June - July 1976 observations were made on the distribution, abundance and year-class composition of capelin in the Barents Sea. Compared with June 1975 some differences were recorded. A larger abundance of capelin ...
    • Loddeundersøkelser i Barentshavet i juni - juli 1978 

      Dommasnes, Are (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1978)
      During the period 21 June - 15 July 1978 investigations were carried out on the Barents Sea capelin stock. Capelin larvae were caught with a Gulf III plankton sampler, and an acoustic survey was made of 1 year and older ...
    • Loddeundersøkelser i Barentshavet i juni 1975 

      Buzeta, Ramon; Hamre, Johannes; Røttingen, Ingolf; Aksland, Magnar (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1976)
      During June 1975 observations were made on the distribution, abundance and year-class composition of capelin in the Barents Sea. The distribution and abundance of the capelin stock were found to be similar compared with ...
    • Loddeundersøkelser i Barentshavet i juni og juli 1977 

      Dommasnes, Are; Monstad, Terje; Nakken, Odd (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1978)
      During the period 4 June - 30 May a survey was made on the Barents Sea capelin stock with observations on its distribution, abundance and age composition. A much lower quantity of capelin was recorded on this cruise than ...
    • Loddeundersøkelser i Barentshavet i mai - juni 1974 

      Dalen, John; Dommasnes, Are (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1974)
      During May—June 1974 observations were made on the distribution, abundance and year-class composition of capelin in the Barents Sea. Good concentrations of capelin were found over a considerably larger area than at the ...