Now showing items 170-189 of 700

    • Forsøk med strømflasker i Nord-Norge i 1973 

      Hognestad, Per T. (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1974)
      On cruises with R. V. «Asterias» in spring 1973 a total of 320 drift bottles were released along the coast of northern Norway. In April 135 drift bottles were released from 27 stations in the Lofoten area (Vestfjord) and ...
    • Forsøk med strømflasker i NordNorge i 1970 

      Hognestad, Per T. (Fisken og havet;1971 - Nr. 1, Research report, 1971)
      For fjerde år på rad er det gjort forsøk med slipp av strømflasker i forbindelse med undersøkelsene over drift av egg og larver av fisk i nordlige farvann. På tokter med F/F «Asterias» i april og mai 1970 ble det sluppet ...
    • Framtidige muligheter for havbruk i Lysefjorden 

      Aure, Jan; Strand, Øivind; Skaar, Arne (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2001)
      Hovedmålet med prosjektet har vært å utrede Lysefjordens naturlige bæreevne for skjelldyrking, fiske - og smoltoppdrett. Videre har vi vurdert mulighetene for økt bæreevne og produksjon av giftfrie skjell ved ferskvannsdrevet ...
    • Frekvens av embryonal feilutvikling hos sild (Clupea harengus) fra en dioksinforurenset fjord (Frierfjorden, Telemark) 

      Bergstad, Odd Aksel; Knutsen, Jan Atle (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2004)
      As an element of comprehensive studies of effects on marine biota of dioxin pollution under the project "Dioxins in the Grenland fjords" (2000-2003), a comparative incubation experiment was carried out with herring (Clupea ...
    • Fullskalaforsøk med fangst, føring og levering av levende torsk 

      Isaksen, Bjørnar; Saltskår, Jostein (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2003)
      Technology developed in the early nineties for catch, transport and delivery of alive, wild cod was used during a full-scale experiment March-May 2001. A total of about 200 tons of cod was delivered alive. The experience ...
    • Funn av neustonorganismer i norske farvann 

      Tveite, Stein; Danielssen, Didrik S. (Fisken og havet;1969 - Nr. 1, Research report, 1969)
    • Fysisk oseanografiske undersøkelser i sentrale deler av Barentshavet i juli 1979 

      Loeng, Harald (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1980)
      A limited area of the marginal sea ice zone in the Barents Sea was investigated in the period 9-19 July 1979 with the intention of describing the biological production system in the vicinity of an ice edge. This paper ...
    • Genetisk analyse av merket torsk (Gadus morhua) 

      Jørstad, Knut Eirik; Reisegg, Jon; Godø, Olav Rune (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1981)
      Detailed genetic analysis have provided valuable information about the population structure of several commercially important fish species. The investigations have mainly concentrated on the problem on stock identification, ...
    • Genetiske metoder for bestandsidentifisering - potensial og praktisk bruk for forvaltningen 

      Dahle, Geir; Jørstad, Knut Eirik; Glover, Kevin A.; Skaala, Øystein; Svåsand, Terje (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2006)
      There is an increasing demand for management based on surveillance and ecosystem knowledge, requiring more scientific data, and molecular genetic methods have been highlighted as the best tool to increase our knowledge ...
    • Geografisk og sesongmessig fordeling av plante- og dyreplankton i det nordlige Barentshavet. Sluttrapport. 

      Loeng, Harald; Dalpadado, Padmini; Booman, Clelia; Hassel, Arne; Melle, Webjørn; Rey, Francisco (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1995)
      The present report summarizes our knowledge on the distribution of phyto- and zooplankton in the northern Barents Sea. More than 50% of the biomass of phytoplankton is produced during the spring bloom period and takes ...
    • Geographical species distribution in the Barents Sea under climate change - results from the BarEcoRe project 

      Certain, Grégoire; Planque, Benjamin (Fisken og Havet;4-2014, Research report, 2014-03-10)
      This report presents a study of possible changes in species’ spatial distribution in the Barents Sea as a result of possible future changes in the ocean climate. Species Distribution Models (SDMs) are constructed to ...
    • Gjenfangster i Norge av havert merket i Storbritannia 

      Bjørge, Arne; McConnell, Bernie (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1986)
      Since tagging of grey seals in Great Britain was initiated in 1951, a total of 61 seals has been recovered in coastal Norwegian waters. Most of the recovered seals had been tagged at the Orkney (35 recoveries) and the ...
    • (Gonatus fabricii (Lichtenstein))En mulig fiskeriressurs i norskehavet 

      Wiborg, Kristian Fredrik (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1979)
      Gonatus fabricii (hereafter gonatus) is a pelagic squid, widely distributed in boreal and subarctic waters. Material for the present investigation has been collected since 1970 mainly in the Norwegian Sea and adjacent ...
    • Gonatus fabricii (Lichtenstein). Undersøkelser i Norskehavet og det vestlige Barentshavet i juni-september 1982 og 1983. 

      Wiborg, Kristian Fredrik; Gjøsæter, Jakob; Beck, Inger Marie (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1984)
    • A guide to the extraction and interpretation of otoliths from larval and pelagic juvenile Arcto-Norwegian cod. 

      Suthers, Iain (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1996)
      The techniques for extraction of the lapillar otoliths, and interpretation of otolith microstructure in Arcto-Norwegian cod (Gadus morhita L.) is outlined and reviewed. Increment deposition in this species is daily, ...
    • Gyteinnsiget av lodde vinteren 1974 

      Havforskningsinstituttet (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1974)
      From I January to 15 March five vessels were monitoring the spawning migration of capelin. The migration started in early February from the area north and northeast of the Skolpen Bank along three different routs. The ...
    • Gyteinnsiget av lodde vinteren 1976 

      Hamre, Johannes; Sætre, Roald (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1976)
      From 10 January to 3 April four vessels were monitoring the spawning migration of capelin in the Barents Sea. The migration started in early February along three different routes. The main part of the spawning population ...
    • Gyteinnsiget av lodde vinteren 1977 

      Dommasnes, Are; Hamre, Johannes (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1977)
      From 6 January to 30 March three vessels were monitoring the spawning migration of the Barents Sea capelin. The main concentrations reached the Norwegian coast in the Varanger-Vardø area the first week of March, and ...
    • Haneskjell (Chlamys inslandica Müller) ved Spitsbergen og Bjørnøya - Undersøkelser i 1973 

      Wiborg, Kristian Fredrik; Hansen, Karsten; Olsen, Hans Edvard (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1974)
      In August 1973 experimental fishing for Chlamys islandica off Spitsbergen revealed extensive fields north of the island and also some concentrations on the western banks. Up to 1700 scallops were taken in 20 minute hauls ...
    • Haneskjellet, Chlamys islandica (O. F. Müller) og dets utbredelse i noen nordnorske fjorder 

      Wiborg, Kristian Fredrik (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 3, Journal article, 1962)
      The distribution in northern Norway of the Iceland scallop, Chlamys islandica (O. F. Müller) has been mapped (Fig.s 3-7). The species is mostly found in the inner of fjords having one or two sills, 3-15 m deep ...