Viser treff 1221-1240 av 1242

    • Toktprogram 1990 

      Havforskningsinstituttet (Others, 1990)
    • Toktprogram 1996 

      Ukjent forfatter (Others, 1996)
    • Toktprogram 1994 

      Ukjent forfatter (Others, 1994)
    • Toktprogram 1992 

      Ukjent forfatter (Others, 1992)
    • Toktprogram 1991 

      Havforskningsinstituttet (Others, 1991)
    • Toktprogram 1988 

      Ukjent forfatter (Others, 1988)
    • Toktprogram 1989 

      Havforskningsinstituttet (Others, 1989)
    • Toktprogram 1995 

      Ukjent forfatter (Others, 1995)
    • Toktprogram 1993 

      Ukjent forfatter (Others, 1993)
    • Report on oceanographic cruises and data stations 1994 

      Gjertsen, Karen (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1995)
      The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by RIV G.O. Sars, RIV Johan Hjort, RIV Michael Sars and RIV G.M. Dannevig during 1993. An overview of fixed stations sections are also given.NORSK ...
    • Report on oceanographic cruises and data stations 1995 

      Gjertsen, Karen (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1996)
      The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "6.0. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Michael Sars" and "G.M. Dannevig" during 1995. The tables on page 5 and 6 show the cruise number and ...
    • Report on oceanographic cruises and data stations 1997 

      Gjertsen, Karen (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1998)
      The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessel "G.O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Michael Sars" and "G.M. Dannevig" during 1997. The first tables shows the cruise number and the periods ...
    • Report on oceanographic cruises and data stations 1996 

      Gjertsen, Karen (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1997)
      The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O.Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Michael Sars" and "G.M. Dannevig" during 1996. The first tables show the cruise number and the periods ...
    • Report on oceanographic cruises and data stations 1998 

      Gjertsen, Karen (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1999)
      Rapporten gir en oversikt over toktene til Havforskningsinstituttets forskningsfartøy "G.O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Michael Sars" og "G.M. Dannevig" i 1998. I tillegg vises kart for leiefartøy "Jan Mayen". Først vises ...
    • Report on oceanographic cruises and data stations 1999 

      Gjertsen, Karen (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2000)
      Rapporten gir en oversikt over toktene til Havforskningsinstituttets forskningsfartøy "G.O.Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Michael Sars" og "G.M. Dannevig" i 1999. Hovedsakelig CTD og trål. Først vises oversikt over tidsrom for ...
    • Report on oceanographic cruises and data stations 2000 

      Gjertsen, Karen (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2001)
      The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Michael Sars" and "G.M. Dannevig" during 2000. The first tables shows the cruise number and the periods ...
    • Report on oceanographic cruises and data stations 2002 

      Gjertsen, Karen (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2003)
      Rapporten gir en oversikt over Havforskningsinstituttets forskningsfartøy "G.O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Michael Sars" og "G.M. Dannevig"s tokt i 2002. Rapporten inkluderer også noen tokt med universitetets "Håkon Mosby". ...
    • Report on oceanographic cruises and data stations 2001 

      Gjertsen, Karen (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2002)
      The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Michael Sars" and "G.M. Dannevig" during 2001. The first tables shows the cruise number and the periods ...
    • Oversikt over tokt og stasjoner tatt i 2003 

      Gjertsen, Karen (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2004)
      The present report shows the course tracks and stations occupied by the research vessels "G.O.Sars", "Johan Hjort", "H. Mosby" and "G.M. Dannevig" during 2003. The first tables shows the cruise number and the periods for ...
    • Oversikt over tokt og stasjoner tatt i 2004 

      Gjertsen, Karen; Rong, Vigdis; Bröker, Kareen; Enersen, Svein Erik (Fisken og havet, Others, 2005)
      The report presents cruises carried out by the research vessels "G. O. Sars", "Johan Hjort", "Håkon Mosby", "Jan Mayen" and "G. M. Dannevig" on behalf of the Institute of Marine Research and the University of Bergen during ...