Browsing Articles by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 3302
Fluctuations in the great fisheries of Northern Europe viewed in the light of biological research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1914-04) -
Rapport om tokt med F/F Johan Hjort til Vest Grønland i april/mai 1964
(Journal article, 1964) -
Tokt med F/F Johan Hjort til vårsildfeltene utenfor Møre i tiden 7.-17. mars 1967
(Journal article, 1967) -
Variations in the meiofauna of Corallina officinalis L. with wave exposure
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1968-09-09)The meiofauna of Corallina officinalis has been studied at three localities with different exposure south of Bergen, Norway. A distinct distribution pattern is shown for some species, and this is discussed with reference ... -
Skreiinnsiget 1969
(Journal article, 1969)Denne artikkelen gir en oversikt over fordelingen av skrei i Lofoten gjennom sesongen 1969, basert på ekkoloddobservasjoner fra tre fartøyer. M/S «Havdron» krysset langs yttersiden av Lofoten og Vesterålen to ganger: 14.-16. ... -
On the fauna of Corallina officinalis L. in western Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1969-10-15)Three localities south of Bergen, one sheltered, one semi-exposed, and one very exposed, were chosen. Samples of Corallina were obtained at various times of the year from the intertidal and sub tidal zones at the two more ... -
Ekkointegratoren. Et apparat for å måle fisketetthet
(Journal article, 1970) -
A comparison between two sonic measuring systems for demersal fish
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 1970)Two sonic methods for estimation of abundance of fish stocks, the echo integrator and the digital counter methods, were compared on single and schooling fish in the Lofoten area of Norway during March 1969. Good correlation ... -
Mortality of herring during the early larval stage in 1967
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1971) -
Lodde- og polartorskundersøkelser i Barentshavet august-september 1970
(Journal article, 1971)In the period 26 August to 11 September a joint Soviet-Norwegian 0-group fish survey was carried out in the Barents Sea (ANON. 1970). During this survey observations were also made on the distribution and abundance of adult ... -
Kolmuleundersøkelser i Norskehavet i april-mai 1971
(Journal article, 1971)On a cruise with R/V "G. O. Sars" from 24 April to 9 May dense concentrations of blue whiting were found between the Faroes and Shetland and in the Norwegian Deep east of Tampen. Further north the fish were scattered. A ... -
Sarcotretes scopeli, a lernaeid copepod new to Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1971-09-10)Sarcotretes scopeli, parasitic on Benthosema glaciale, is recorded for the first time in Norway. 3.6% of the catch from the Bergen area and 1.9% from Sognefjorden was infested. The parasite seems to retard the growth and ... -
Lodde- og polartorskundersøkelser i Barentshavet august-september 1971
(Journal article, 1972)During August-September 1971 two subsequent series of observations were made on distribution and abundance of maturing capelin and polar cod in the Barents Sea. Abundance estimates for the two species indicated by echo ... -
Ekkoloddsvinger i pendeloppheng
(Journal article, 1972)The surface layer, 0-15 m, will as a rule not be satisfactorly covered by ordinary hull mounted vertical echo sounder transducers. A side looking transducer has been tried onboard the R.V. "G. O. Sars". The transducer is ... -
Loddeundersøkelser i Barentshavet i november-desember 1971
(Journal article, 1972)Relative echo abundance of capelin is given. Mainly young immature capelin was found in the area Thompson Ground - Southern part of the Sentral Bank. The population in the area between the Sentral Bank and the Skolpen Bank ... -
New records of the myctophid fish, Notoscopelus kroeyeri, from Norway and the eastern Atlantic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1972-01-27)4 specimens of N. kroeyeri are recorded from the south and west coast of Norway, and 30 from the eastern North Atlantic. Some meristic characters are listed, and the distribution of the sp briefly discussed. -
Dykkender beiter på loddeegg
(Journal article, 1972-09) -
Loddeundersøkelser med F/F "G. O. Sars" i Barentshavet i februar-mars 1973
(Journal article, 1973)During the period 16 February-3 March 1973 R. V. «G. O. Sars» carried out a survey on spawning and prespawning capelin in the Barents Sea. The investigations were a continuation of those reported by Monstad and Midttun ... -
Relationship of parent stock size and year class strength in Norwegian spring spawning herring
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1973) -
Wide-Band Response of the Parametric Acoustic Array
(Others, 1973)