Lodde- og polartorskundersøkelser i Barentshavet august-september 1971
During August-September 1971 two subsequent series of observations were made on distribution and abundance of maturing capelin and polar cod in the Barents Sea. Abundance estimates for the two species indicated by echo integrator readings in the two periods are presented. Most of the capelin were recorded east of 35'E and north of 76'N. In the western part of the investigated area the abundance was significantly lower than in 1970. In the eastern and northeastern part of the Barents Sea no comparjson can be made with 1970 since no investigations were carried out in that region. It is tentatively concluded that between 30 and 40 per cent of the capelin observed in the central and northern part of the Barents Sea will become mature in 1972. Most of the adult polar cod were observed in the northeastern part of the Barents Sea. The younger fish were mainly recorded in the western area of distribution.