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Advice on fishing opportunities for Barents Sea capelin in 2025 — ICES subareas 1 and 2 excluding Division 2.a west of 5°W
(IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series;2024 - 11, Research report, 18.10.2024)The Joint Russian-Norwegian Working Group on Arctic Fisheries (JRN-AFWG) advises that when the Joint Norwegian–Russian Fisheries Commission management plan is applied, there should be zero catches of Barents Sea capelin in 2025. -
Havbeite med hummer: Artsrapport
(PUSH;, Research report, 1998)Program for Utvikling og Stimulering av Havbeite (PUSH) -
Overview report on ecological quality (EcoQ) and ecological quality objectives (EcoQOs) : report prepared within the framework of the OSPAR commission
(Research report, 1999)This report summarizes work done on the topic of setting Ecological Quality Objectives (EcoQOs) within the Oslo and Paris Commission. Norway has acted at lead country for this topic. The report was approved for publication ... -
Lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus) otoliths: dissection, mounting and age-reading
(Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2000)A workshop was held at Institute of Marine Research, Flødevigen Marine Research Station, Arendal, Norway, 17-19 February 1999, to investigate methodes for age-determination of lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus) from otoliths. ... -
Bifangstsammensetning i "krepsetrål" i Nordsjøen. Rapport fra tokt med M/S "Ørvur" 03.-15.09.2001
(Toktrapport fra Havforskningsinstituttet, Research report, 2001) -
Wild salmon should not be threatened by healthy and non-genetically manipulated escapees
(Lecture, 2002)Rungruangsak-Torrissen K. Cultured salmon as escapees should never threaten salmon stocks in the wild as long as they are healthy and are not genetically manipulated. By studying a key digestive protease, trypsin, which ... -
Comments on proposed maximum levels for dioxin-like PCBs in Food. Panel on Contaminants Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
(VKM report, Research report, 2004) -
Overvåkningsprogram for skjell - Årsrapport 2003
(Research report, 2004)I 2003 ble det fra 50 lokaliteter høstet til sammen 160 skjellprøver for mikrobiologisk analyse, hvorav 151 var blåskjell, fem var kamskjell og fire var østers. For metallanalyser ble det tatt prøver av blåskjell fra 53 ... -
Fangstbasert havbruk - mellomlagringsløsninger for den mindre kystflåten
(Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2005)Prosjektet har evaluert hvilke muligheter den minste kystflåten (< 15 meter) har for å lagre deler av fangsten sin levende (Fangstbasert havbruk). Tre linefartøy og to snurrevadfartøy har deltatt aktivt, men også redskapet ... -
uttalelse om Syngenta genmodifiserte mais MIR604 (EFSA/GMO/UK/2005/11). Vurdert og godkjent av Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer
(VKM Report, Research report, 2005) -
Uttalelse om Pioneer Hi-Breds genmodifiserte mais 1507xNK603 (EFSA/GMO/UK/2004/05). Vurdert og godkjent av Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer
(VKM Report, Research report, 2005) -
Uttalelse om Bayer CropScience genmodifiserte bomull LLCOTTON25 (EFSA/GMO/NL/2005/13). Vurdert og godkjent av Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer
(VKM Report, Research report, 2005)