Now showing items 1859-1878 of 3056

    • Movement diversity and partial sympatry of coastal and Northeast Arctic cod ecotypes at high latitudes 

      Strøm, John Fredrik; Bøhn, Thomas; Skjæraasen, Jon Egil; Gjelland, Karl Øystein; Karlsen, Ørjan; Johansen, Torild; Hanebrekke, Tanja Lexau; Bjørn, Pål Arne; Olsen, Esben Moland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Movement diversity within species represent an important but often neglected, component of biodiversity that affects ecological and genetic interactions, as well as the productivity of exploited systems. By combining ...
    • Movement diversity and partial sympatry of coastal and Northeast Arctic cod ecotypes at high latitudes 

      Strøm, John Fredrik; Bøhn, Thomas; Skjæraasen, Jon Egil; Gjelland, Karl Øystein; Karlsen, Ørjan; Johansen, Torild; Hanebrekke, Tanja Lexau; Bjørn, Pål Arne; Olsen, Esben Moland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Movement diversity within species represent an important but often neglected, component of biodiversity that affects ecological and genetic interactions, as well as the productivity of exploited systems. By combining ...
    • Movement of pulsed resource subsidies from kelp forests to deep fjords 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Wernberg, Thomas; Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Ramirez-Llodra, Eva; Pedersen, Morten Foldager (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Resource subsidies in the form of allochthonous primary production drive secondary production in many ecosystems, often sustaining diversity and overall productivity. Despite their importance in structuring marine communities, ...
    • Movement patterns of temperate wrasses (Labridae) within a small marine protected area 

      Halvorsen, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen; Larsen, Torkel; Browman, Howard; Durif, Caroline; Aasen, Nicolai; Vøllestad, Leif Asbjørn; Cresci, Alessandro; Sørdalen, Tonje Knutsen; Bjelland, Reidun Marie; Skiftesvik, Anne Berit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The movement patterns of three commercially important wrasse (Labridae) species inside a small marine protected area (~ 0.15 km2) on the west coast of Norway were analysed over a period of 21 months. The mean distance ...
    • Movement patterns of temperate wrasses (Labridae) within a small marine protected area 

      Halvorsen, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen; Larsen, Torkel; Browman, Howard; Durif, Caroline; Aasen, Nicolai; Vøllestad, Leif Asbjørn; Cresci, Alessandro; Sørdalen, Tonje Knutsen; Bjelland, Reidun Marie; Skiftesvik, Anne Berit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The movement patterns of three commercially important wrasse (Labridae) species inside a small marine protected area (~ 0.15 km2) on the west coast of Norway were analysed over a period of 21 months. The mean distance ...
    • Moving forward in microplastic research: A Norwegian perspective 

      Lusher, Amy; Hurley, Rachel; Arp, Hans Peter H; Booth, Andy; Bråte, Inger Lise Nerland; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Gomiero, Alessio; Gomes, Tania; Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar; Green, Norman; Haave, Marte; Hallanger, Ingeborg G.; Halsband, Claudia; Herzke, Dorte; Joner, Erik J; Kögel, Tanja; Rakkestad, Kirsten; Ranneklev, Sissel Brit; Wagner, Martin; Olsen, Marianne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Given the increasing attention on the occurrence of microplastics in the environment, and the potential envi-ronmental threats they pose, there is a need for researchers to move quickly from basic understanding to applied ...
    • Muligheter og prioriteringer for flerbestandsforvaltning i norske fiskerier 

      Huse, Geir; Skern-Mauritzen, Mette; Bogstad, Bjarte; Sandberg, Per; Ottemo, Trond; Veim, Anne Kjos; Sørdahl, Elisabeth; Bertelsen, Bernt (Fisken og Havet;7-2018, Research report, 2018)
      Denne rapporten svarer opp en henvendelse fra Stortinget som har bedt regjeringen utarbeide en opptrappingsplan for norsk bestands- og ressursforskning med mål om å utvikle og innføre en modell for flerbestandsforvaltning ...
    • Mulighetskartlegging for kystbaserte næringer i Agder 

      Frigstad, Helene; Dahl, Einar; Moy, Frithjof Emil; Næs, Kristoffer; Knutsen, Jan Atle; Kaste, Øyvind (NIVA-rapport;, Research report, 2017)
      I Agder er det et sterkt ønske fra kystkommunene om å tilrettelegge for blå vekst i regionen, men for å realisere dette målet er det behov for faktisk kunnskap om hvilke muligheter havet gir – og utelukker – langs hele ...
    • Mulighetskartlegging for kystbaserte næringer i Østfold 

      Kaste, Øyvind; Dahl, Einar; Gaeta, Federico Håland; Hess-Erga, Ole-Kristian; Johnsen, Kathrine Ivsett; Kildahl, Henriette Othilie Bøe; Steen, Henning; Albretsen, Jon (NIVA-rapport, Research report, 2020)
      En rekke utredninger og strategidokumenter, både på internasjonalt og nasjonalt nivå, peker på at det er et stort potensial for økt vekst og verdiskaping knyttet til marine næringer. Viken fylkeskommune og kommunene langs ...
    • Multi-decadal environmental change in the Barents Sea recorded by seal teeth 

      de la Vega, Camille; Buchanan, Pearse J.; Tagliabue, Alessandro; Hopkins, Joanne E.; Jeffreys, Rachel M.; Frie, Anne Kirstine Højholt; Biuw, Martin; Kershaw, Joanna; Grecian, James; Norman, Louisa; Smout, Sophie; Haug, Tore; Mahaffey, Claire (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Multiple environmental forcings, such as warming and changes in ocean circulation and nutrient supply, are affecting the base of Arctic marine ecosystems, with cascading effects on the entire food web through bottom-up ...
    • Multi-decadal trends in biomarkers in harp seal teeth from the North Atlantic reveal the influence of prey availability on seal trophic position 

      de la Vega, Camille; Kershaw, Joanna; Stenson, Garry B.; Frie, Anne Kirstine Højholt; Biuw, Martin; Haug, Tore; Norman, Louisa; Mahaffey, Claire; Smout, Sophie; Jeffreys, Rachel M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Arctic food webs are being impacted by borealisation and environmental change. To quantify the impact of these multiple forcings, it is crucial to accurately determine the temporal change in key ecosystem metrics, such as ...
    • Multi-decadal warming of Atlantic water and associated decline of dissolved oxygen in a deep fjord 

      Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Aure, Jan; Johansen, Per-Otto; Johnsen, Geir Helge; Salvanes, Anne Gro Vea (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Previous studies have shown decline in dissolved oxygen of the ocean basins. A hypothesis for this development is that ocean warming through increased stratification has caused reduced ventilation of the interior ocean. ...
    • Multi-Instrument Assessment of Phytoplankton Abundance and Cell Sizes in Mono-Specific Laboratory Cultures and Whole Plankton Community Composition in the North Atlantic 

      Menden-Deuer, Susanne; Morison, Francoise; Montalbano, Amanda L.; Franzè, Gayantonia; Strock, Jacob; Rubin, Ewelina; McNair, Heather; Mouw, Colleen; Marrec, Pierre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
    • Multi-tissue proteogenomic analysis for mechanistic toxicology studies in non-model species 

      Lin, M.S.; Varunjikar, Madhushri Shrikant; Lie, Kai Kristoffer; Søfteland, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll; Dellafiora, L.; Ørnsrud, Robin; Sanden, Monica; Berntssen, Marc HG; Dorne, J.L.C.M.; Bafna, V.; Rasinger, Josef (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      New approach methodologies (NAM), including omics and in vitro approaches, are contributing to the implementation of 3R (reduction, refinement and replacement) strategies in regulatory science and risk assessment. In this ...
    • Multidisciplinary perspectives on living marine resources in the Arctic 

      Kvamsdal, Sturla Furunes; Dankel, Dorothy Jane; Ekerhovd, Nils-Arne; Hoel, Alf Håkon; Renner, Angelika; Sandø, Anne Britt; Steinshamn, Stein Ivar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Many areas in the Arctic are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. We observe large-scale effects on physical, biological, economic and social parameters, including ice cover, species distributions, economic activity ...
    • Multinational large scale krill synoptic survey in CCAMLR Area 48 in 2019-survey plan and protocol for consideration by SG-ASAM 2018 

      Krafft, Bjørn Arne; Bergstad, Odd Aksel; Knutsen, Tor; Skaret, Georg; Macaulay, Gavin (CCAMLR;SG-ASAM-18/07, Research report, 2018)
      The objective for the Multinational Large-Scale Krill Synoptic Survey in CCAMLR area 48 3 in 2019 is to provide an updated estimate of the biomass of Antarctic krill (Euphausia 4 superba) used in models to estimate sustainable ...
    • Multiple configurations and fluctuating trophic control in the Barents Sea food-web 

      Sivel, Elliot Manuarii; Planque, Benjamin; Lindstrøm, Ulf; Yoccoz, Nigel G. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The Barents Sea is a subarctic shelf sea which has experienced major changes during the past decades. From ecological time-series, three different food-web configurations, reflecting successive shifts of dominance of pelagic ...
    • Multiple stakeholders’ perspectives of marine social ecological systems, a case study on the Barents Sea 

      Mikkelsen, Nina; Planque, Benjamin; Arneberg, Per; Skern-Mauritzen, Mette; Hansen, Cecilie; Fauchald, Per; Holsman, Kirstin K.; Haynie, Alan C.; Ottersen, Geir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The Barents Sea ecosystem components and services are under pressure from climate change and other anthropogenic impacts. Following an Ecosystem-based management approach, multiple simultaneous pressures are addressed by ...
    • Multiple-batch spawning as a bet-hedging strategy in highly stochastic environments: An exploratory analysis of Atlantic cod 

      Hocevar, Sara; Hutchings, Jeffrey; Kuparinen, Anna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Stochastic environments shape life-history traits and can promote selection for risk-spreading strategies, such as bet-hedging. Although the strategy has often been hypothesized to exist for various species, empirical tests ...
    • Multiple-batch spawning: a risk-spreading strategy disarmed by highly intensive size-selective fishing rate 

      Hočevar, Sara; Hutchings, Jeffrey; Kuparinen, Anna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Can the advantage of risk-managing life-history strategies become a disadvantage under human-induced evolution? Organisms have adapted to the variability and uncertainty of environmental conditions with a vast diversity ...