Browsing Posters by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 40
May stocking programs affect the predator stocks and decrease the survival of the wild Atlantic salmon juveniles?
(Conference object, 1997-09-08) -
Dangerously small : Size-dependent mortality of released cod
(Conference object, 1997-09-08) -
The ability to standard demersal surveys to evaluate the disheries impact on the Barents Sea ecosystem
(Conference object, 1999) -
Including climate into the assessment of future fish recruitment, using multiple regression models
(Conference object, 2004) -
Will establishment of an introduced red alga result in local biodiversity changes?
(Conference object, 2005-10) -
Pelagic occurence of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) determined from experimental fishing with vertical longlines
(Conference object, 2005-10-20) -
Seasonal and spatial dynamics in the distribution of Northeast Arctic Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)
(Conference object, 2005-10-20) -
SONATE - Sonar effects on marine life - aiding naval officers in planning safe operation of active sonar
(ICES CM documents, Conference object, 2006) -
Harvest Control Rule for Northeast Arctic Saithe: should predation on herring be taken into account?
(Conference object, 2006) -
Can the precision of bottom trawl indices be increased by using simultaneously collected acoustic data? The Barents Sea experience
(ICES CM documents, Conference object, 2006) -
Prey selection of early juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the Barents Sea
(ICES CM documents, Conference object, 2006) -
Can Pitch & Roll DST distinguish between pelagic and demersal behaviour of adult Greenland halibut
(ICES CM documents, Conference object, 2006) -
Tracking changes in the ling and tusk populations using CPUE estimates from logbook data
(ICES CM documents, Conference object, 2006) -
Climate variability in the Barents Sea 2000-2005
(Conference object, 2006-09-19) -
Ecosystem approach to Barents Sea Ecology : spatial and trophic relationships
(Conference object, 2007-01-22) -
Dissolved organic carbon
(Conference object, 2007-02-12)The biological transfer of carbon in the oceans and the flux of CO2between ocean and atmosphere are important links in the global carbon cycle. One important aspect is that a remarkably large part of the carbon fixed by ... -
Effects on development, sex differentiation and reproduction of Atlantic cod exposed to produced water during early life stages
(Conference object, 2007-05-20)Two long term studies to assess the effects of produced water (0.01-1 %) on the early life stages of cod were performed. Experiment 1 examined the egg to early fry stage (90 days), and experiment 2 examined the early ... -
Zooplankton-phytoplankton interactions simulated by combining distinct modeling approaches in the Norwegian Sea
(Conference object, 2007-05-28)Calanus finmarchicus is the dominant herbivorous mesozooplankton in the Norwegian Sea and has the potential for impacting strongly on the population dynamics of phytoplankton. We have developed a novel individual based ... -
Restoration of carrying capacity of mussel farming in fjords by use of artificial upwelling
(Conference object, 2007-06-11)