The management of cod stocks with special reference to growth and recruitment overfishing and the question whether artificial propagation can help solve management problems. In: The propagation of cod Gadus morhua L.: an international symposium, Arendal, 14 - 17 June 1983
The terms qrowth overfishinq and recruitment overfishinq
are defined. The exploitation and management of two of the
major cod stocks in the North-East Atlantic, North-East
Arctic cod and North Sea cod, are briefly reviewed with
special reference to the two forms of overfishinq. Possible
density-dependent factors limitinq stock size and yield are
discussed, and it is suqqested that density-dependent qrowth
and especially cannibalism of younq by adults miqht be
important requlatory mechanisms in cod stocks.
Potential effects on yield of artificial propaqation are
then considered, makinq different assumptions about the form
of the yield curve of the natural population. It is concluded
that veral factors should be further studied before
starting large scale releases of artificially produced
recruits on a regular basis.
Flødevigen rapportserie1, 1984