The haemoglobin polymorphism in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.); genotypic differences in somatic growth and in maturing age in natural populations. In: The propagation of cod Gadus morhua L.: an international symposium, Arendal, 14 - 17 June 1983
The two common alleles at the polymorphic haemoglobin
locus HbI (Sick, 1961) in the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua
L.) code for proteins whose functional properties are
differentially influenced by environmental temperatures
(Karpov and Novikov, 1980). In the present study HbI
genotypic mean lengths in a total of 275 immature specimens
(0.5 - 1.5 year of age) from 8 samples taken in the
Trondheimsfjord and Oslofjord during 1977-1981 were investigated
by rank correlation analysis. In males the
overall genotypic mean length rank was HbI^2-2 >HbI^1-2
>HbI^1-1, while i n females HbI^l-2 >HbI^2-2 >HbI^1-1; both
ranks were highly significant.
The age at first spawning (A_m) was determined by otolith
reading in a sample of 118 male cod caught during
spawning in the Trondheimsfjord in 1983. In this sample
the individual A_m ranged from 4-7 years with a significantly
lower mean for the HbI^2-2 genotype. The A_m of
heterozygotes was intermediate but not significantly
lower than for the HbI^1-1 genotype. Some population
genetic and aquacultural implications of these results
are briefly discussed.
Flødevigen rapportserie1, 1984