Browsing Symposium proceedings by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 168
Abundance and distribution of 0-group Arcto-Norwegian cod and haddock 1965 - 1982
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1984)The trawl data from the International 0-group fish surveys in the Baretns Sea are reanalysed for cod and haddock. Relative indices of yearclass abundance are estimated on a logarithmic scale. The most abundant yearclasses ... -
The proceedings of the Soviet-Norwegian symposium on reproduction and recruitment of Arctic cod : Leningrad, 26-30 September 1983
(PINRO-IMR Symposium;1, Research report, 1984) -
Genetic studies on eggs, larvae and 0-group of the Arctic cod stock
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1984)Genetic analyses have been performed on samples of spawning cod (March) , a large number of eggs and yalk sac 1arvae (May, postlarvae (July) and O-group cod (August-September). The distribution of eggs and larvae at ... -
Ecological adaption of reproduction in Arctic cod
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1984)A recent period (1977-1982) of cold climate in the Barents Sea resulted in a greatly reduced feeding area available for the Arctic cod and in consistent low recruitment. With the start of a warmer period in 1982/83 the ... -
Migration, mingling and homing of North-East Arctic cod from two separated spawning grounds
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1984)Migration of mature North-east Arctic cod tagged in 1975 and 1979-81 on two different spawning areas were studied. The numbers tagged were 11,500 in Lofoten and 3,350 off More, of which 1,088 and 476 recaptures are ... -
The egg production of Arcto-Norwegian cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the Lofoten area estimated by egg surveys
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1984)Spawning intensity measurements have been executed in Lofoten each year since 1976. They consist of egg net samples at selected spawning cites . In 1983, in addition, four quasi-synoptic egg surveys were conducted during ... -
Estimating the maturity ogitive for Northeast Arctid cod by a modified assessment model
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1984)The exploitation (1967-77) of the Northeast Arctic cod is splitted in 12 different fisheries. The mesh assessment model is modified in order to estimate the maturity ogive on the basis of the length and the age distributions ... -
Acoustic estimates of spawning cod in the Lofoten area in 1982 and 1983
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1984)The main spawning grounds for Arctic cod, the Lofoten area, were covered by acoustic surveys 7 times in 1983 and 12 times in 1983 during the prespawning and spawning season. The results indicated a spawning stock in the ... -
Distribution and abundance of post larval Northeast Arctic cod and haddock
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1984)From 1977 onwards an annua1 postlarvae survey has been carried out off northern Norway in June/July. The aim is to study the distribution of fish larvae, and to establish an index for thom 53m to surface. In 1983 the ... -
The distribution of cod larvae and prey organism in the Lofoten area related to critical prey concentration
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1984)The distribution of cod larvae and their main prey organisms in the first feeding areas off the Lofoten islands have been studied in sheltered and exposed areas in relation to feeding conditions. These findings are discussed ... -
Growth of the Barents Sea capelin of the yearclasses 1975-1981
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1985)The method of backcalculating fish lengths based on yearly growth markings in the otoliths is applied to estimate growth of capelin in the yearclasses 1975 to 1981. The Barents Sea is divided into five subareas, and the ... -
Assessment and management of Barents Sea capelin
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1985)The history of the Barents Sea capelin fishery and fishery regulations is reviewed. Basic assessment data and theories are described and discussed in the light of the population dynamics governing the sustainable yield. -
Report on the otolith workshop held at the Soviet/Norwegian symposium on the Barents Sea capelin, Bergen, Norway 14-19 August 1984
(PINRO-IMR Symposium;2, Conference object, 1985) -
Standard sampling procedure for Barents Sea capelin: A description of standard sampling technique and methods applied to improve the representativeness of the samples
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1985)The various types of samples, the observations made on each fish, and the coding procedure for these observations are described. The standard procedure of otolith studies on the capelin stock is described in detail, ... -
The capelin assessment model: a documentation
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1985)The mathematical model used for management of the Barents Sea is documented. The model is used for predicting the evolution of the stock to evaluate the consequence of various catch quotas. -
The proceedings of the Soviet-Norwegian symposium on the Barents Sea capelin : Bergen, 14-19 August 1984
(PINRO-IMR Symposium;2, Research report, 1985)The history of the Barents Sea capelin fishery and fishery regulations is reviewed. Basic assessment data and theories are described and discussed in the light of the population dynamics governing the sustainable yield . -
Maturity studies of Barents Sea capelin: Variations in length at maturity for female capelin
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1985)The sexual maturation of female capelin in the Barents Sea is studied using a new method based on microscope investigation of eggs. A "length at maturity" (L) is defined, and a method for synthesizing the data is ... -
Investigations on capelin larvae off Northern Norway and in the Barents Sea in 1981-84
(PINRO-IMR Symposium, Conference object, 1985)This report gives a detailed description of the sampling technique, employing the Gulf III plankton sampler. The collected data are displayed on distribution maps, which show both the total abundance of capelin larvae and ... -
Report on the acoustics workshop held at the Soviet/Norwegian symposium on the Barents Sea capelin, Bergen, Norway 14-19 August 1984
(PINRO-IMR Symposium;2, Conference object, 1985)