Development of a species-selective trawl for demersal gadoid fisheries
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An experiment was carried out to test a prototype species-selective bottom trawl for
separating cod from haddock, secondarily saithe, in the Norwegian commercial roundfish
fisheries. A sorting system incorporating a horizontal square mesh panel (150 mm bar length)
dividing the trawl's body and extension sections into upper and lower compartments, leading
aft to vertically-oriented trouser codends, was installed in a commercial roundfish trawl. First
tests of the system, fishing around the clock, demonstrated approximately 90% haddock
separation in to the upper codend, 71% cod separation in to the lower codend, and 72% saithe
separation into the upper codend. In situ video observations showed that fish, apparently
haddock, entered the trawl at all levels, but subsequently many of those in the lower half
attacked upwards and through the separating panel along its length as they passed towards the
trouser codends. Applicability of the sorting system to commercial fisheries is discussed.