Survival of saithe (Pollachius virens L.) escaping through trawl meshes
Original version
This report is not to be cited without prior reference to the authorsAbstract
A pilot study to estimate the survival of saithe escaping from a cod-end with 145 mm diamond
meshes was done in April-May 1992 north of the Faroes. Escaped fish were collected in fine
meshed net cages (2x2x5m aluminium frame) mounted aft on a cod-end cover. After one hour
trawling below 150m depth the cages were released by means of an acoustic release system and
slowly hauled up to 40m below sea surface for UTV observations ( 6-7 days). The net cages were
drifting freely with the current in the area north of the Faroes and located by means of radio
tracked buoys. Preliminary results indicate that saithe can withstand almost the same sorting as
cod with low mortality. However, more experimental work is needed to draw more firm
conclusions on survival rates of saithe escaping from a cod-end.