Discrimnation of herring populations in a northern Norwegian fjord: genetic and biological aspects
Original version
This report is not to be cited without prior reference to the authorsAbstract
From a trawl survey in a fjord system in northern Norway, it
has been possible to separate catches of herring into two distinct
groups characterized by different number of vertebrae
(VS). Low- vertebral herring (VS = 52-55) belong to a local stock of spring-spawning fjord stock called the Balsfjord herring. High-vertebral herring (VS = 56-60) belong to an immigrating
population of Atlanto- Scandian herring spawned off the
Norwegian coast. The separation between the stocks was verified
by genetic analysis of herring samples using enzyme electrophoresis. The Balsfjord -herring is characterized by a very high
frequency ( 0.93) of a rare allele (designated 110) at the LDH-2 locus which is expressed in white muscle tissue. In comparison, this allele is usually not found (frequency <
0. 01) in samples of Atlanto-Scandian herring. The discrimination
between the two stocks in Balsfjord was, however, evident
from the biological data obtained (age distribution, VS, mean
length and length distributions) as well as the genetic characters
investigated. In addition, the Balsfjord herring, especially
at mature stage, seem to be distributed at 60-200 m
depth and was caught by using bottom trawl. The Atlanto- Scandian
herring, mainly 2 or 3 years old, was found in the
upper water layer (0-60 m). The genetic data indicate very limited
or no gene flow between the two herring stocks in
Balsfjord. This fjord system, therefore, offers unique possibility
to study interaction and isolating mechanisms with regards
to marine fish stocks.