The relationship between seal abundance and cod worm (Phocanema decipiens) infestation in cod in Norwegian coastal waters
Original version
This report is not to be cited without prior reference to the authorAbstract
A sample of 52 cods, Gadus morhua, caught close to a grey
seal, Halichoerus grypus, haul out site, and a total of 652
cods from 18 commercial catches (average sample size 36
cods) were examined with regard to cod worm infestation.
The sampling was carried out from July 1978 to January 1981
in Norwegian coastal waters between 62° and 66° North. The presence of larval cod worm was recorded in 64% of the
examined fishes, and the average infestation in all 704
fishes was 8.5 cod-worms per fish. However, the
infestation decreased significantly with increasing
distances from the haul out sites of grey seals and common
seals, Phoca vitulina. The heaviest infestations were
recorded in cod from the outern part of in shore waters,
and slightly decreasing towards the fjords, fitting well to
the observed distribution of seals. A substantial decrease
was also recorded with increasing distance (and depth) off
shore from the mentioned grey seal haul out site.