Browsing Brage IMR by Title
Now showing items 11544-11563 of 11646
Zinc nutrition at first feeding imprints a programming effect on growth and hepatic lipid metabolism in juvenile rainbow trout
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The objective of this study was to determine whether supplementation with deficient zinc (Zn) or/and excess copper (Cu) in the first-feeding diet of rainbow trout fry influenced the growth and physiological regulation of ... -
Zinc uptake in fish intestinal epithelial model RTgutGC: Impact of media ion composition and methionine chelation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Apical uptake of zinc as ionic Zn(II) or as Zn-methionine (Zn-Met) was studied in RTgutGC cell line in vitro under media compositions mirroring the gut luminal ionic concentration of freshwater (FW) and seawater (SW) ... -
Zoantharians (Hexacorallia: Zoantharia) associated with cold-water corals in the azores region: New species and associations in the deep sea
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Zoantharians are a group of cnidarians that are often found in association with marine invertebrates, including corals, in shallow and deep-sea environments. However, little is known about deep-sea zoantharian taxonomy, ... -
Zooplankton and the discontinuity layer in relation to echo traces in the Oslofjord
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1969)1. Using high amplification on the 38.5 Kc/sec. echosounder echoes from the depth of the discontinuity layer in the inner Oslofjord were mostly observable. 2. The distribution of zooplankton was analysed from samples ... -
Zooplankton growth, diet and reproductive success compared in simultaneous diatom- and flagellatemicrozooplankton-dominated plankton blooms
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001-10-18)Development of mesozooplankton biomass, feeding activity and reproductive success of the copepod Calanus helgolandicus were compared in blooms of natural plankton in 7 mesocosms on the west coast of Norway between 28 August ... -
Zooplankton i enkelte nord-norske fjorder og mageinnhold hos mussa vinterstid 1962-65
(Working paper, 1992-11) -
Zooplankton in relation to herring in the Norwegian Sea, June 1959
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1961)1. During a cruise with RV "Johan Hjort" from 2. to 28. June 1959 zooplankton was collected at 121 stations in the Norwegian Sea. 2. The zooplankton was most abundant in the border area between Atlantic waters and ... -
Zooplankton in relation to hydrography in the norwegian sea
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1955)A study was made of the distribution of zooplankton organisms in the Norwegian Sea during May-August 1948-1954. It is based on plankton collected in vertical Nansen net hauls in the upper 200 m. Samples taken by the ... -
Zooplankton investigations from weather ship M in the Norwegian Sea, 1948-49
(Hvalrådets skrifter;Nr. 40, Master thesis, 1955) -
Zooplankton Investigations in some Fjords in Western Norway during 1950-1951
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1953)At the end of February 1950 investigations on zooplankton were initiated in some fjords south of Bergen on the west coast of Norway, and continued during 1951. Simultaneously hydrographic observations were also taken. Of ... -
Zooplankton reproduction in the Barents Sea vertical distribution of eggs and nauplii of Calanus finmarchicus in relation to spring phytoplankton development
(Chapter, 1989)Variable influence of ice melting on water column stabilization causes a large variation in timing of the spring phytoplankton bloom in the central Barents Sea. During two cruises in April 1986 and May-June 1987 situations ... -
Zooplankton-phytoplankton interactions simulated by combining distinct modeling approaches in the Norwegian Sea
(Conference object, 2007-05-28)Calanus finmarchicus is the dominant herbivorous mesozooplankton in the Norwegian Sea and has the potential for impacting strongly on the population dynamics of phytoplankton. We have developed a novel individual based ... -
Å forstå klimaeffekter
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 2006) -
Ål i Oslofjordområdet: En oversikt over biologi og økonomisk betydning
(Fisken og havet - Serie B, Working paper, 1974) -
Ålen med innebygd GPS [Caroline Durif uttaler seg om forskning på ål]
(Others, 2010-03-24) -
Årsaker til rike og fattige årganger av sild
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, serie havundersøkelser, Research report, 1942)Causes of rich and poor Year-classes of Herring. This paper continues RUNNSTRØMS investigation on herring larvæ during 1932-35 and is based on material obtained by hatching artificially fertilized eggs as well as on ... -
Årsberetning 1982 og 1983 for akvakulturstasjonen Matre
(Fisken og havet - Serie B, Others, 1984) -
Årsmelding 1964 fra Fiskeridirektoratets Havforskningsinstitutt
(Årsberetning vedkommende Norges Fiskerier, Others, 1966)