• Kolmuleundersøkelser i Norskehavet i april-mai 1971 

      Jakupsstovu, Stein Hjalti; Nakken, Odd (Journal article, 1971)
      On a cruise with R/V "G. O. Sars" from 24 April to 9 May dense concentrations of blue whiting were found between the Faroes and Shetland and in the Norwegian Deep east of Tampen. Further north the fish were scattered. A ...
    • Loddeundersøkelser i Barentshavet i november-desember 1971 

      Jakupsstovu, Stein Hjalti; Midttun, Lars; Monstad, Terje; Nakken, Odd; Vestnes, Gudmund (Journal article, 1972)
      Relative echo abundance of capelin is given. Mainly young immature capelin was found in the area Thompson Ground - Southern part of the Sentral Bank. The population in the area between the Sentral Bank and the Skolpen Bank ...
    • Rapport om forsøksfiske etter kolmule vest av De Britiske Øyer i februar-mai 1973 

      Jakupsstovu, Stein Hjalti; Nakken, Odd; Olsen, Hans Edvard; Strøm, Albert; Dahl, Vermund; Hamre, Johannes (Journal article, 1973)
      The experiments were carried out with four boats. Two of a different size working as one boat midwater trawlers and two as a twoboat midwater trawl unit. It is concluded that the spawning stock is dense enough for commercial ...