Precision in recruitment estimates and its implications on management of demersal fish stocks
Errors in abundance indices of recruiting year-classes will affect stock predictions. The
contribution of recruiting year-classes to the predictions of catch and spawning stock biomass
for the stocks of Northeast Arctic cod, haddock and saithe is investigated. The effect various
levels of error in the recruitment indices would have had on the predictions during the last two
decades is calculated. The error in the index has frequently gone in the same direction for
consecutive year-classes and errors of less than 30% have been relatively rare. Longer time
series and new methodology will probably reduce the errors in the future, but substantial
errors in the stock predictions must therefore be anticipated, even in the short term.
Management aimed at moderate exploitation and stability can minimize the problem and the
use of risk-analyses is desirable. Medium-term predictions rely to a large extent on
assumptions of average recruitment and must be used with great caution.
Precision and relevance of pre-recruit studies for fishery management related to fish stocks in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters. Proceeding of the sixth IMR-PINRO Symposium Bergen, 14-17 June 1994
PINRO-IMR Symposium6