Schooling dynamics of spawning herring (Clupea harengus L.) in a bay in South-Western Norway
The schooling dynamics of hening (Clupea harengta L.) was investigated during
spawning in Raunefjord, south-westem Norway in 1994. A single school of Nonvegian
spring spawning hening WSS) was tracked during daytime over a five day period in the
spawning season, using multibeam sanning sonar and echosounder. Gillnet samples of the
herring were coilected daily fiom the school.
The school completed spawning in 3-4 bys. It remained one unit throughout the period,
but when spawning was initiated, the school divided vertidy into two components, one
pelagic and one derned. DiBlering individual choices in the trade-off between su~val
and reproduction hr fish prior to, during and aikr spawning may have caused vertical
gradients of key h r s such as food and predaton to act as dividing forces. Prior to
spa*, Late matured and ripened individuals seeking d o w n d and early matured and
spent individuals searching upwards probably caused the vertical school shape to be
cyhdricai. As spawning proceeded, fish from the demersai component spred outwards at
the bottom, causing this component to take on the shape of a carpet, whereas the pelagic
unit condens.e d. into a somewhat tighter baU. Wben spa+ was completed, the two
to fonn a loose flake dose to the suhce.
Possible effects of timing and duration of the spa* period on acoustic survey estimates
of spawning herring are discussed.
Gear selection and sampling gears. Proceedings of the seventh IMR-PINRO Symposium. Murmansk, 23-24 June 1997.
PINRO PressSeries
PINRO-IMR Symposium7