Regional dynamics of Calanus in the Norwegian Sea in response to ocean climate in 1997
Original version
This report is not to be cited without prior reference to the authorsAbstract
A coupled 3D hydrodynamic and ecological model has been set up for the Norwegian Sea (i.e.
SINMOD). The hydrodynamic model uses the z-coordinates in the vertical direction. The horizontal
grid point distance is 6.67 km and covers the northern North Sea, Mid Norwegian Shelf, Lofoten
Basin, Faroes Shelf. The western limit is just at the eastern boarder of the Icelandic Shelf. The open
boundaries are taken from a regional model using 20 km grid resolution. The models have been
forced with atmospheric input from 6 hourly wind and pressure fields. The ecological model has
eight state variables in addition to a structured model of Calanus finmarchicus. The state variables
are nitrate, ammonium, silicate, diatoms, flagellates, microzooplankton, slow and fast sinking
detritus. The Calanus model uses developmental structure for the nauplii and weight structure for the
copepodites. Data from Station M (66°N, 2°E) has been used to adjust the mortality rates of Calanus.
10% of the CV’s are allowed to develop into females and start a new generation and the remaining
90% is transferred into an overwintering stage having a depth distribution between 500 and 1500m.
The overwintering stock of Calanus at Station M below 600m was taken as an initial distribution for
the whole model domain (north of the Scotland-Iceland ridge). The model simulates the pattern of
phytoplankton growth, which is in accordance with observational data from several cruises in the
region during the year of Calanus. An early start (March/April) in the Coastal Norwegian waters and
at the front between the coastal water and the Atlantic waters was found. The spring bloom starts
gradually later West and North in the Norwegian Sea. The earliest spawning took place near the
shelf break off Norway where ascending Calanus met the spring bloom in surface waters. At Station
M the timing of the spring bloom and the successive copepodite stages are simulated correctly. The
simulated second generation is two weeks earlier than observed in field data. However, there is a
large heterogeneity around this position in the Norwegian Sea on the southwestern slope of the
Vsring Plateau. Coastal water and perhaps water from the East Iceland Current may ‘change the
property (vertical mixing and nutrient supply) and the history of the Calanus stock entering this
geographical region. Two generations are of Calanus simulated in the southeastern part of the
Norwegian Sea. Along the shelf break the second generation is advected as far north as the entrance
to the Barents Sea. In the Northern North Sea the temperature and the supply of food is sufficient for
the model to produce three generations.