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dc.contributor.authorGytre, Trygve
dc.identifier.citationThis report is not to be cited without prior reference to the authorno_NO
dc.description.abstractThe Inst. of Marine Researche in Bergen has since 1935 on a regulary basis acquired data from fixed hydrographic stations on the Norwegian coast. The data are collected by local residents via water samplers and reversing thermometers, and the material is mailed to the Institute appr. twice per month. In order to reduce costs and also to make possible automatic acquisition of data in real or close to real time, a new data communication system for hydrographic data has been developed. In the new system the local observers will measure STD-data with a portable, recording STD instrument. After having finished a STD profile, the observer connects his instrument to a communication system based on a mobile telephone, a modem and a communication interface. At programmable intervals a central PC at the Inst. of Marine Research will sequentially dial the telephone number for each operative communication unit. If an STD instrument has been connected, its recorded data will be loaded to a file in the PC. If no STD has been is connected, the system will continue to the next telephone number. The paper explains the instrumentation, the communication system and the software which has been developed for the system. Results from a field test are also presented. The system is sheduled to be operative from autumn 1991.no_NO
dc.relation.ispartofseriesICES CM Documents;1991/C:21
dc.subjectgear experimentsno_NO
dc.subjectdatabase systemsno_NO
dc.titleA new system for automatic STD data acquisition from randomly positioned observersno_NO
dc.typeWorking paperno_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Agriculture and fishery disciplines: 900::Fisheries science: 920::Fisheries technology: 924no_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Technology: 500::Information and communication technology: 550::Computer technology: 551no_NO
dc.source.pagenumber7 s.no_NO

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