Antibiotic treatment and dose-response of bacterial activity associated with flatfish eggs
Original version
This report is not to be cited without prior reference to the authorsAbstract
Newly stripped and fertilized eggs from Plaice
(Pleuronectes platessa) and Atlantic Halibut
(Hipppoglossus hippoglossus) were incubated in 34 ppt
sea water.
150 eggs (Plaice), 30 eggs (Halibut) or 20 glass beads
were incubated in 30 ml seawater in light at 5.5°C.
The antibiotics Oxytetracycline (-HCl) and Flumiquil
were added to end concentration ranges 0 - 105 ppm and
0 - 60 ppm, respectively.
With a method modified from Somville and Billen (1983)
it was possible to measure the activity both in the
incubation water and on the chorion of the incubated
The activity on egg surfaces was significant higher than
the activity of a comparable surface aerea of the glass
beads. The activity on the egg surfaces was greater than
the activity in a water volume corresponding to the
combined egg volume.