Measurements of Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica müller) in the Spitzbergen and Bear Island regions
Original version
This report is not to be cited without prior reference to the authorsAbstract
A stratified bottom trawl fish survey was carried out in the
Spitzbergen and Bear Island regions from 9 September to 5 October
1985. On 30 out of 108 trawl stations, Chlamys islandica were
caught as a by-catch, and samples from 8 stations have been
measured for height, length, width, total wet weight, and wet
weight of the total content, muscle and gonads. The sex has been
determined and the number of zones in the ligament counted.
C. islandica were caught on stations with depths from 48m to 525m.
The scallops from the deepest stations seemed to be somewhat
younger and smaller. The adductor muscle made up 19-24% of the
total weight of cleaned shells. The northernmost sampled station
(N 79°29') had the oldest scallops, but the zones in the
ligaments from this station were difficult to read because of the
often bad consistency of the ligament.