Further experiments with radial escape section (RES) as fish-shrimp separator in trawl
Original version
This report is not to be cited without prior reference to the authorsAbstract
A new approach to the bycatch problem when trawling for shrimp was initiated
in Norway in 1984 utilizing the difference in swimming behaviour
of fish and shrimp. A radial escape section (RES) in the aft belly of
the trawl allowed fish to activly escape as shrimp was guided by funnels
of netting towards the codend. The performance of the new selective device (RES) as well as behaviour
of fish in trawls has been observed by a remote controlled television
vehicle (RCTV).
Comparative fishing experiments to evaluate its selective properties
was conducted with a siamese twin trawl as well as with two trawlers
fishing in the same area.