Artificial hatching substrate, effect on RNA / DNA ratio and protein retention during the yolk-sac period of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
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This report is not to be cited without prior reference to the authorsAbstract
Genetical groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were
hatched in a Caiifonian hatching system with and without an
astro-turf artificial hatching substrate, and were later
transfered to separate feeding units.
The substrate reared (ATR) alevins grew faster, absorbed the
yolk faster and more efficient, and absorbed protein from the yolk faster and more efficient, than flat screen reared (FSR) alevins. Protein synthesis, RNA content, DNA content, and the
RNA-DNA ratio were higher in favour of the substrate reared
alevins. The differeces in disfavour of the FSR alevins are
probably due to high activity stress.
After commencement of first feeding the ATR fry grew
faster, and RNA content and DNA content were higher than in the
FSR fry. However a difference in specific growth rate in favour
of the FSR fry was observed at the end of the experiment. The
RNA-DNA ratio was in favour of the ATR fry immediatly after
commencement of first feeding, but in favour of the FSR fry at
the end of the experiment.