On fecundity of North Sea mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
Original version
This report is not to be quoted without prior consultation with the General Secretary.Abstract
This paper presents a preliminary analysis of the fecundity-length
relationship of the North Sea mackerel. The relationship
was compared to that of the Western mackerel stock (LOCKWOOD,1978) by
an analysis of covariance between the regression lines.
Further analysis is necessary before any decisive conclusion
can be drawn. The results, however, seem to demonstrate a lower
fecundity in the North Sea mackerel (140 000 - 360 000 eggs) as
compared to the Western mackerel (400 000 - 990 000 eggs) at
the same range of length.
A comparison of regression lines of fecundity-length for the
North Sea and the Western area shows a significant difference
between the two lines.