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dc.contributor.authorStemmann, Lars
dc.contributor.authorHosia, Aino
dc.contributor.authorYoungbluth, Marsh J.
dc.contributor.authorSøiland, Henrik
dc.contributor.authorPicheral, Marc
dc.contributor.authorGorsky, Gabriel
dc.identifier.citationThis report is not to be quoted without prior consultation with the General Secretary.no_NO
dc.descriptionThe vertical distribution (0-1000 m depth) of macrozooplankton along the northern portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (59°58N, 25°53W to 41°29N, 28°19W) was investigated during the MARECO program (June and July 2004) using the Underwater Video Profiler (UVP). Twelve relatively large (> 1 cm) groups were selected from the recorded images: sarcodines (with two sub-groups), crustaceans (excluding copepods), chaetognaths, ctenophores (with two sub-groups cydippids and lobates), siphonophores, medusae (with three subgroups Aeginura grimaldii, Aglantha spp. and all other medusae), appendicularians, and thaliaceans. The numerically dominant groups over the whole area were crustaceans (26%), medusae (20%) and appendicularians (17%). The gelatinous fauna were consistently most numerous between 400-900 m. Appendicularians, ctenophores and A. grimaldii occurred mostly below 300 m (maximum concentrations of 75, 58, and 30 individuals 100m-3, respectively). The macrozooplankton community below 200 m varied with the spatial distribution of the four regions defined by the temperature and salinity profiles. The results suggest that the Sub-Polar Front restricts the mixing of macrozooplankton communities down to 1000 m depth. The observed relationship between appendicularians and biovolume and size of particles is investigated in the four oceanic regions. Keywords: Gelatinous zooplankton, mesopelagic zooplankton, Sub Polar Front, North Atlantic, Underwater Video Profiler, MARECO .no_NO
dc.relation.ispartofseriesICES CM documents;2007/F:04
dc.subjectAtlantic Seano_NO
dc.titleVertical distribution (0–1000 m) of gelatinous zooplankton and particulate matter (60ìm<<5mm) along the Mid Atlantic ridge in the North Atlantic. Potential impact of appendicularians on particle aggregationno_NO
dc.typeWorking paperno_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Agriculture and fishery disciplines: 900::Fisheries science: 920::Resource biology: 921no_NO
dc.source.pagenumber11 s.no_NO

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