Growth differences in juvenile Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus L.) related to temperature conditions in the nursery areas
Growth differences in juvenile Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus L.) related to temperature
conditions in the nursery areas
The hatched larvae of Norwegian spring spawning herring are transported to nursery areas in fjords along the coast and to
the Barents Sea from 58°-80°N. Consequently there is a wide range of temperature and ecological regimes experienced by
the juveniles which may be reflected in differences in growth patterns throughout their geographic range. In the present
study we demonstrate differences in juvenile growth between nurseries on a latitudinal scale using data collected on
research surveys during 1989-2004. The possible effects of temperature on geographical and inter-annual differences in
juvenile growth are tested
Abstract only
ICES CM documents2005/O:07