Capture and handling of fish for electronic tagging - a review and a new non-intrusive capture method.
While tagging procedures are described in details the capture and handling of
experimental fish prior to tagging is not given the same attention in most papers.
However, traumas that originate from the capture and handling process may for a
varying penid of time iradluenca: the post-release behaviour of the animals studied
with Smart-or other electronic tags introducing errors when interpreting the data
collected. With emphasis on Atlantic species, the paper gives an overview of capture
and handling methods reported in electronic tagging experiments, and where relevant,
references are made also to methods used to capture and transport fish for aquarium or
other live holding purposes. The advantages and disadvantages of different handling
methods are discussed, and a promising new &awl-method for c
individuals of delicate species is summarised.
ICES CM documents1999/AA:03