• Acoustic assessment of Norwegian spring spawning herring in the wintering area, December 1995 and January 1995 

      Foote, Kenneth G.; Røttingen, Ingolf (ICES CM Documents;1995/H:9, Working paper, 1995)
      The abundance of the mature component of the stock of Norwegian spring spawning herring has been estimated based on a series of echo integration surveys. These were performed in the wintering area of Ofotfjord, Tysfjord, and ...
    • Acoustic backscatter from zooplankton and fish explored through an optimized model framework 

      Lebourges-Dhaussy, A.; Knutsen, Tor; Korneliussen, Rolf J. (ICES CM Documents;2004/R:39, Working paper, 2004)
      The purpose of this work has been to test complementary methods in order to classify marine organisms, with particularly attention to zooplankton and fish. Algorithms to separate fish and zooplankton have been developed ...
    • Acoustic estimates of abundance of 0-group gadoids in the northern North Sea in July 1985 

      Lahn-Johannessen, John (ICES CM Documents;1986/G:28, Working paper, 1986)
      This paper presents the results from a joint survey with two research vessels in July 1985. Total estimates of abundance (N x 10-9 ), were: Norway pout 56, haddock 52, whiting 66 and cod 4. Comparisons are made with a ...
    • Acoustic estimates of saithe in the North Sea in 1984 and 1985 

      Smedstad, Odd M. (ICES CM Documents;1985/G:14, Working paper, 1985)
      This paper describes the results from a joint cruise in July 1984 with two vessels, and the results from two cruises in February - March 1985. In July the saithe were standing well above the bottom, but the saithe were ...
    • Acoustic estimates of saithe in the North Sea in 1985 and 1986 

      Smedstad, Odd M. (ICES CM Documents;1986/G:49, Working paper, 1986)
      This paper describes the results from a joint cruise in July 1985 with two vessels, and the results from one cruise in February 1986. The acoustic estimates agree fairly well with the estimates made by the North Sea ...
    • Acoustic estimates of spawning cod off Lofoten and Møre in 1982 

      Nakken, Odd; Godø, Olav Rune; Raknes, Askjell (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1982)
      Acoustic surveys on spawning cod were carried out in Lofoten and off Møre in order to estimate the stock size and structure. The 1975 yearclass made up the bulk of the spawning stock in both areas. In the Lofoten area the ...
    • Acoustic estimates of spawning cod off Lofoten and Møre in 1983 

      Nakken, Odd; Godø, Olav Rune; Raknes, Askjell (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1983)
      Acoustic surveys on spawning cod were arried out in Lofoten and off Møre in order to estimate the stock size and structure. The 1975 year class made up the bulk of the spawning stock in both areas. In the Lofoten area the ...
    • Acoustic estimates of spawning cod off Lofoten and Møre in 1984 

      Nakken, Odd; Godø, Olav Rune; Raknes, Askjell (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1984)
      Acoustic surveys on northeast Arctic spawning cod were carried out in Lofoten and off Møre in March-April 1984 in order to estimate the stock size and structure. Within the investigated areas the total number at spawning ...
    • Acoustic estimates of spawning cod off Lofoten and Møre in 1985 

      Godø, Olav Rune; Raknes, Askjell; Sunnanå, Knut (ICES CM Documents;1985/G:66, Working paper, 1985)
      The annual surveys on the spawning stock of North-east Arctic cod were carried out in the Lofoten and Møre areas in March- April 1985. These surveys were undertaken to estimate the size and age structure of the spawning ...
    • Acoustic estimates of spawning cod off Lofoten in 1986 

      Raknes, Askjell; Sunnanå, Knut (ICES CM Documents;1986/G:79, Working paper, 1986)
      The annual survey on the spawning stock of North-east Arctic cod were carried out in the Lofoten area in March 1986. This survey was undertaken to estimate the size and age structure of the spawning cod on the main ...
    • Acoustic estimates of the Barents Sea capeling stock 1971-1976 

      Nakken, Odd; Dommasnes, Are (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1977)
      The surveys were carried out in June and in August - October. No estimates were obtained for 0-group capelin. 1 year old capeling are grossly underestimated in June. To a lesser extent this is also the case for older ...
    • Acoustic extinction in dense herring layers, measured from a bottom-mounted transducer 

      Utne, Kjell R.; Ona, Egil (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2006)
      Herring is often found in dense aggregations or schools, and acoustic shadowing is thus a problem in acoustic survey estimates. Knowledge of the attenuated echo intensity in herring aggregations is essential for correcting ...
    • Acoustic investigation of fish behaviour apropos avoidance reaction 

      Foote, Kenneth G. (ICES CM Documents;1981/B:21, Working paper, 1981)
    • Acoustic measurements of schooling herring. Estimation of school biomass and target strength 

      Misund, Ole Arve; Øvredal, Jan Tore (ICES CM Documents;1988/B:26, Working paper, 1988)
      The connections between reflected echo energy and dimensions of fatty herring schools were studied by a combination of multibeam sonar and a calibrated echo integration unit. A relation between the area and the biomass ...
    • Acoustic method for estimating absolute abundance of young cod and haddock in the Barents Sea 

      Dalen, John; Smedstad, Odd M. (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1979)
    • Acoustic methods in studies of fish ecology 

      Nakken, Odd (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1998)
      Systematic use of echo sounder in fisheries and marine science comrnenced in the 1930's and developed rapidly after World War II. During the 1950's and 1960's large scale echo surveys were carried out in many regions as a ...
    • Acoustic portrait of herring in Vestfjord, january 1996, with geostatistical analysis 

      Foote, Kenneth G.; Ostrowski, Marek (ICES CM Documents;1996/H:31, Working paper, 1996)
      In January 1996 the stock of Norwegian spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus) was acoustically surveyed in the wintering area. Both immature and mature fish were present. Because of the comparative lateness of the ...
    • Acoustic properties of Salpa thompsoni. 

      Wiebe, Peter H.; Chu, Dezhang; Kaartvedt, Stein; Hundt, Anna (Hölter); Melle, Webjørn; Ona, Egil; Batta-Lona, Paola (ICES CM documents;2009 / I:01, Working paper, 2009)
      Salps are common members of the world oceans planktonic community (Madin, et.al., 2006). In the southern ocean, both krill (Euphausia superba) and salps (Salpa thompsoni) can occur in dense aggregations (Loeb et al, 2009, ...
    • Acoustic sampling volume for cod 

      Foote, Kenneth G. (ICES CM Documents;1989/B:5, Working paper, 1989)
      This is expressed through the effective equivalent beam angle * for cod as represented by measurements of the tilt angle dependence of target strength. The functional form of * is approximated for each of several behaviour ...
    • Acoustic sampling volume versus equivalent beam angle 

      Foote, Kenneth G. (ICES CM Documents;1988/B:5, Working paper, 1988)
      Irnprovements in target strength measurement have shown the equivalent beam angle (EBA) to be a worrisome source of error in echo integrator surveys. The reason is that the EBA is generally defined as a purely physical ...