Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Beltestad, Arvid K."
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Behaviour of Norwegian spring spawning herring in relation to underwater light
Beltestad, Arvid K.; Misund, Ole Arve (ICES CM Documents;1988/B:24, Working paper, 1988)The Norwegian coastal purse seiners, with shallow nets, have experienced difficulties in catching the herring due to their natura! behaviour being located too deep during day time and toe scattered during night time. ... -
Behaviour of saithe penned in different densities.
Holm, Marianne; Beltestad, Arvid K.; Chruickshank, O. (ICES CM Documents;1980/B:26, Working paper, 1980)In Norway purse seine catches of live saithe are towed to the coast and kept in net pens until the fish can be processed by the fishing industry. During penning - especially during "short-time" penning - the quality of ... -
Effektiv sortering av makrell i not
Beltestad, Arvid K.; Misund, Ole Arve (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1994) -
Experience with an improved power block for purse seining
Beltestad, Arvid K. (ICES CM Documents;1983/B:30, Working paper, 1983) -
Experiments with net of hexagonal meshes in purse seine
Beltestad, Arvid K. (ICES CM Documents;1977/B:39, Working paper, 1977) -
Investigations on diel vertical migration of 0-group fish in the Barents Sea
Beltestad, Arvid K.; Smedstad, Odd M.; Nakken, Odd (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1975)In August-September diel vertical migration of 0-group fish was studied in the Barents Sea. Redfish and capelin had different vertical migration patterns. 0-group redfish were found at the surface at dark and spread in ... -
Kan snurpenot fiske selektivt?
Beltestad, Arvid K. (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1992) -
Langtidslagring av makrell - ny attåtnæring for kystfiskerne?
Beltestad, Arvid K.; Misund, Ole Arve (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1993) -
Lave temperaturer - problem med langtidslagring av levende makrell
Beltestad, Arvid K. (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1994) -
New gear handling systems for coastal purse seining.
Beltestad, Arvid K. (ICES CM Documents;1982/B:37, Working paper, 1982)The paper is describing a new gear handling system for coastal purse seiners. The system consist of a hollow manuverable ring needle through which the purse wire is passing. Solid type rings can be used since the rings ... -
Optimization of purse seines by large meshed sections and low lead weight. Theoretical considerations, sinking speed measurements and fishing trials.
Beltestad, Arvid K.; Misund, Ole Arve (ICES CM Documents;1988/B:25, Working paper, 1988)Theoretical considerations on material requirements and sinking speed by use of different mesh size and lead weight in purse seines are outlined. Measurements confirmed that the sinking speed varied with mesh size and ... -
Recent experiments with net of hexagonal meshes in purse seines.
Beltestad, Arvid K. (ICES CM Documents;1980/B:25, Working paper, 1980) -
Relationships between the geometric dimensions and biomass of schools
Misund, Ole Arve; Aglen, Asgeir; Beltestad, Arvid K.; Dalen, John (ICES CM Documents;1990/B:41, Working paper, 1990)Acoustic measurements of the geometric dimensions and packing density of herring, sprat and saithe schools have been conducted by multi-beam sonars and echo integrator systems. Relationships between the reflected echo ... -
Ristsortering av makrell i not og trål
Beltestad, Arvid K.; Misund, Ole Arve (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1993)During the last few years, development of systems for selection of fish size in purse seines has become an important task for gear research. In the mackerel fishery, there is a demand for size selection both in the purse ... -
Selectivity experiments with topside chafers and round straps
Beltestad, Arvid K. (ICES CM Documents;1977/B:38, Working paper, 1977) -
Seleksjon av sei i merd med fleksibel rist
Beltestad, Arvid K. (Rapport fra senter for marine ressurser;Nr. 15 - 1993, Working paper, 1993-07) -
Size-selection of mackerel and saithe in purse seine
Misund, Ole Arve; Beltestad, Arvid K. (ICES CM Documents;1994/B:28, Working paper, 1994)In purse seine fisheries, there may exist potentials for size selection because some of the fish in the catch are less than the legal size, and because different size groups are paid differently. Both potentials are ... -
Sorter heller notfanga sei enn makrell
Beltestad, Arvid K.; Misund, Ole Arve (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1996) -
Survival of mackerel and saithe escaping through sorting grids in purse seines
Beltestad, Arvid K.; Misund, Ole Arve (ICES CM Documents;1996/B:24, Working paper, 1996)Technology for efficient size-selection of mackerel and saithe in purse seines has been developed. A critical constraint for application of the technology is the survival of escaping fish. We have conducted a series of ... -
Teknologiutvikling for høsting av befruktet silderogn på tareblad (Kazunoko-kombu) i kommersiell skala for det japanske markedet
Beltestad, Arvid K. (Framdriftsrapport til Norges forskningsråd, Research report, 1996-10)