Browsing Brage IMR by Subject "scallops"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Are there potential resources of Iceland scallops (Chlamys islandica) in the Barents Sea ?
(ICES CM Documents;1985/K:43, Working paper, 1985) -
Bruk av overflatevann kontra dypvann i produksjon av kamskjell-yngel
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1991) -
Bruk av styrt biologisk produksjon til kultivering av stort kamskjell (Pecten maximus).
(Rapport/Notat;6/91, Working paper, 1990-04-06)Utsettingsforsøk med yngel i 1989, viste at et grunt, gjødslet sjøvannsbasseng kan egne seg som lokalitet for stort kamskjell. Tilveksten der var størst i april-mai, da saliniteten var mest stabil. Innendørs forsøk for ... -
Et kompendium om skjell
(Working paper, 1990-09) -
Fangsteffektivitet i dykkebasert fiske etter stort kamskjell (Pecten maximus) i Sør-Trøndelag
(Fisken og Havet;1-2016, Research report, 2016-05-18)I Norge fangstes stort kamskjell (Pecten maximus) ved dykking fra merkeregistrerte spesialfartøyer. Kjerneområdet er i Sør-Trøndelag (Hitra og Frøya) og totalfangsten har siden 2000 variert fra 500 til 900 tonn rundvekt ... -
Growth of scallop juveniles (Pecten maximus L.) in an enriched shallow seawater basin
(ICES CM Documents;1990/K:23, Working paper, 1990)The aim of this work was to see if a shallow, enriched seawater basin was a suitable location for scallop culture. Growth of great scallop juveniles (Pecten maximus L.) was compared with two open sea locations, and the ... -
Haneskjellet, Chlamys islandica (O. F. Müller) og dets utbredelse i noen nordnorske fjorder
(Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 3, Journal article, 1962)The distribution in northern Norway of the Iceland scallop, Chlamys islandica (O. F. Müller) has been mapped (Fig.s 3-7). The species is mostly found in the inner of fjords having one or two sills, 3-15 m deep ... -
Immunohistochemistry of great scallop Pecten maximus larvae experimentally challenged with pathogenic bacteria
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006-04-06)Three challenge experiments were carried out on larvae of the great scallop Pecten maximus. Larvae were bath-challenged with Vibrio pectenicida and 5 strains resembling Vibrio splendidus and one Pseudoalteromonas sp. ... -
Kystbeite med kamskjell
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1994) -
Measurements of Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica müller) in the Spitzbergen and Bear Island regions
(ICES CM Documents;1986/K:26, Working paper, 1986)A stratified bottom trawl fish survey was carried out in the Spitzbergen and Bear Island regions from 9 September to 5 October 1985. On 30 out of 108 trawl stations, Chlamys islandica were caught as a by-catch, and ... -
Persistence of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) in scallops Pecten maximus
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1992-04-23)Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), serotype N1 isolated from scallops Pecten maximus in Norway, was propagated and used in both inoculation and bath challenge experiments with scallops in vivo. Although virus ... -
Perspektiver for havbeite i Norge
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 2002) -
Produksjonslinje for kamskjellyngel
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1992) -
Report of the Working Group on Marine Shellfish Culture (WGMASC) [27-29 March 2007 Halifax, Canada]
(ICES CM documents;2007/MCC:01, Working paper, 2007) -
Skjellforskningen: Stabil produksjon av yngel må utvikles
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 2001) -
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 2003) -
Ulike dietter til stamskjell i klekkeriet
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 2000) -
Variation in Size and Growth of the Great Scallop Pecten maximus along a Latitudinal Gradient
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-05-23)Understanding the relationship between growth and temperature will aid in the evaluation of thermal stress and threats to ectotherms in the context of anticipated climate changes. Most Pecten maximus scallops living at ... -
Yngelproduksjon av stort kamskjell (Pecten macimus), Del 2, Optimalisering og oppskalering av yngelproduksjon 1996
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 1997)The project is a result of efforts to develop commercial spat production of scallops (Pecten maximus). In June 1996 1.6 mill. NOK was made available from the NUMARIO program of the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries for ...