Browsing Brage IMR by Subject "saithe"
Now showing items 1-20 of 75
0-group saithe and herring off the Norwegian coast in 1986 and 1987 [HELP 9]
(help, Research report, 1987)In 1985 investigations were started to try to measure the abundance of 0-group saithe before the main concentrations entered the inshore waters. In 1986 the investigation area were expanded to also cover the eastern part ... -
0-group saithe in the west Spitsbergen area.
(ICES CM Documents;1971/F:20, Working paper, 1971) -
Abundance and distribution of postlarvae in the 0-group saithe survey in the north-east Arctic in 1985
(ICES CM Documents;1986/G:87, Working paper, 1986)From 11 May to 31 May 1985 a pelagic trawl survey was carried out outside the Norwegian coast north of 62° N. The purpose of this pilot survey was to examine the possibility of getting useful information about the year ... -
Acute toxicity of some byproducts from vinylchloride production to saithe (Pollachius virens)
(ICES CM Documents;1971/E:11, Working paper, 1971) -
Akustisk mengdemåling av sei, kysttorsk og hyse : Finnmark - Møre hausten 2009
(Toktrapport;Nr. 11 - 2009, Working paper, 2009) -
Akustisk mengdemåling av sei, kysttorsk og hyse : Finnmark - Møre hausten 2010
(Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet;Nr. 9 - 2010, Working paper, 2010) -
Akustisk overvaking av seien sin vandring i Ryfylkebassenget
(Rapport fra Havforskningen;Nr. 14 - 2012, Working paper, 2012-04) -
Assessment of the North-East Arctic and North Sea Stocks of Saithe Taking Into Account Migration
(ICES CM Documents;1981/G:36, Working paper, 1981)Tagging experiments have shown that there is a substantial migration of young saithe from the Norwegian coast north of 62°N to the North Sea. Assessments of the North-East Arctic and North Sea Stocks of saithe were made ... -
Density-Dependent Growth in Saithe
(ICES CM Documents;1966/G:2, Working paper, 1966) -
Evaluation of the North-East Arctic saithe (Pollachius virens) acoustic survey
(ICES CM Documents;1997/Y:20, Working paper, 1997)Since 1985 an acoustic survey specially designed for saithe has annually been conducted in October-November by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) on the Norwegian near coastal banks. Since 1992 the survey has covered ... -
Fish behaviour during sampling as observed from free floating buoys - application for bottom trawl survey assessment
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1999)Varying fish distribution and behaviour during bottom trawl surveys has long been considered important for the reliability of survey abundance estimates. Size and species dependent behaviour may bias the estimates and ... -
Kan marine fiskearter få furunkulose?
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1994) -
Killer whales (Orcinus orca L.) and saithe (Pollachius virens L.) trap herring (Clupea harengus L.) in shallow water by taking advantage of steep bottom topography
(ICES CM Documents;2002/N:20, Working paper, 2002)Whales and fish use a wide range of hunting tactics in order to catch their prey. Predatorprey interactions have been seen during the massive wintering of herring (Clupea harengus) in steep bottomed topography in Lofoten, ... -
Laboratory experiments with internal tagging of saithe
(ICES CM Documents;1977/F:22, Working paper, 1977) -
Limiting inter-annual variation in total allowable catch strategies. An application to ICES roundfish stocks
(ICES CM Documents;2003/X:7, Working paper, 2003)This study evaluated through simulation management strategy that stabilise catch levels by setting bounds on the inter-annual variability in Total Allowable Catches (TACs). An integrated modelling approach was used, which ... -
Mengdemåling av sei : Finnmark - Møre, hausten 1999
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 2000)Eit akustisk tokt med sikte på å kartleggja geografisk utbreiing og framskaffa mål for tal og vekstdata hos sei og annan botnfisk har vore gjennomført på kystbankane i oktober-november sidan 1985. Seien er vanlegvis ikkje ... -
Mengdemåling av sei, Finnmark - Møre, hausten 1996
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 1996)Eit akustisk tokt med sikte på å kartleggle geografisk utbreiing og framskaffe mål for tal og vekstdata hos sei og annan botnfisk har vore gjennomført sidan 1985 på kystbankane. Seien er vanlegvis ikkje rekruttert til ... -
Mengdemåling av sei, Finnmark - Møre, hausten 1998
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 1998)Eit akustisk tokt med sikte på å kartleggja geografisk utbreiing og framskaffa mål for tal og vekstdata hos sei og annan botnfisk har vore gjennomført på kystbankane i oktober-november sidan 1985. Seien er vanlegvis ... -
Mengdemåling av sei, Finnmark-Møre, hausten 1997
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 1998)Eit akustisk tokt med sikte på å kartleggje geografisk utbreiing og framskaffe mål for tal og vekstdata hos sei og anna botnfisk har vore gjennomført på kystbankane i oktobernovember sidan 1985. Seien er vanlegvis ikkje ...